Happy Christmas to everybody, if you’re into that sort of thing. It doesn’t really seem like Christmas around here, what with the lack of snow and all. Not that I’m complaining, of course. They say things will get back to normal for the new year, so there’s always that to look forward to. Personally, I’m still not feeling all that terrific, though I did manage to get through the night without having a coughing fit. My big plan today is to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special. Whatever you get up to today (I hope you at least have the day off, if nothing else), I hope you have a happy time. And get some rest – you’ll need it to hit the malls tomorrow.
Uh oh, red skies at dawning. That means stormy weather I believe. Merry, Merry.
‘Tis Lola’s birthday today. She’s 7.
A Christmas baby, how nice. I hope that doesn’t mean she gets screwed out of presents.
Happy Birthday, Lola!
Winter storm watch here, but today many were sporting shorts.
My son Sean was born Dec 26 so he and Lola commiserate at their misfortune every year.
I’m glad you feel a bit better, PJ.
If it wasn’t for my mom, I wouldn’t have any presents. Thanks, mom. Maybe I’ll have enough money this Christmas for a new pair of shoes, but it seems unlikely.
Honestly, I hate watching late night television. I wouldn’t care if all those fuckers were taken off the air. Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon and the rest can eat shit with everyone else that holds their noses while giving interviews.
Fuck you, Obama. Have a Merry Christmas, douchebag.
I was pretty busy yesterday having decided to participate rather than enjoy the day alone. I drove into SF to see friends and reached a few conclusions. One is that it is no longer my home. Another is that I can’t eat like that anymore. I felt is all night and still some today.
I hope everyone had a nice day. I know it can be a tough one sometimes. Tomorrow would have been my Dad’s 93rd birthday. It is strange that it affects me more now than when he passed.
So, Happy Boxing Day and year’s end. As crazy as it seems, I am working all week at the rekkid store so I suspect come 2016, I will be bushed or trumped. Still, I made plans with friends to hang out 01.01.16 in Petaluma. I will try to remember recent lessons learned and bring a lot of fruit and apple cider, maybe a hard one or two.
Thanks to one and all for being around!
Lost my login. That’s better.
Aw. Meadowlark Lemon passed away.
as well as Haskell Wexler, Dave’Hendu’ Henderson, and this singer/dancer (pj might want to cut to the chase at around 9:20).
Happy Anday to aka Aquaman!