This has been a rather long week for me, and truth be told, it’s not actually over since I’m on-call and on the hook 24/7 until next Monday morning (not the one coming up, but the one after that). As if that wasn’t bad enough, they’ve gotten it into their heads that we should do some team building/customer service nonsense thing on Monday afternoon (gee, never been to one of those that wasn’t an incredibly worthwhile use of my time ) and then on Tuesday I have a doctor’s appointment for a “physical.” This is not something I’m looking forward to, since I know it’s going to involve an offer to stick a finger where I’d just as soon not have one, and some other demeaning coughing and groping. This will be on my mind all weekend, and I guarantee you I won’t be getting much sleep (not that I ever do these days).
To take my mind of off things, I’ve been looking at Canadian Real Estate and getting information on how to go about immigrating. It appears my best bet is to apply for “Express Entry,” which requires taking a language test (in English and/or French). I’m pretty confident of passing the English test (a four-part deal – speaking, listening, reading, and writing, all of which I’ve been doing in English for quite some time now), but they don’t give it online so I’d have to go to Canada (the closest place to me apears to be Kitchener, ON, which is quite a hike) to take it. Plus it costs $265 (though that’s only about $198 US). Worth it, I guess, if it can get me out of here before President Trump is sworn in.
I’m really not liking Clinton’s chances of getting elected (the media seems to have nominated her already, so I guess that’s that). Perhaps I’m just a nervous Nellie, but I can’t help but feel they’ve got 20 years of shit saved up to throw at her – and I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t toss out some bullshit indictment to hang over her throughout the general election campaign cycle. I also don’t think you’ll see a lot of enthusiasm from people (especially the younger folks) for a Clinton presidency, so I fear a low turnout. And low turnouts are great for getting crazy people elected.
What’s worse is, I’m not even sure that Trump would be the worst Republican to get elected. I mean, Cruz? Rubio? Or Saint Romney swooping in at the last minute to “save” the Party?
God, what a revoltin’ idea.
So, I hope I’m wrong. Either way, I intend to avoid all the campaign ads as much as possible for the next eight months or so. I mean, things are pretty gruesome in a normal election year – can you imagine what the Trump ads will be like? I’m guessing he’ll take negative campaigning to a new (decidedly lower) level.
It aint gonna be pretty.
Hope you get those beer parts soon.
Oh, I got them on Monday, actually. So I should be able to do a cook this weekend, which is good ‘cuz I killed a keg this week, and I have another one sitting in the fridge but it’s not carbonated yet. They really get better as they age, but I’m a bit impatient and generally get into them too soon (so they’re just getting very tasty by the time I finish them off).
My goal is to get enough of them going so that I always have one on tap. But I don’t think I’ll be able to do that until I retire and have more time on my hands.
This has made it little easier to watch T-Crüz but then that weird thing on his mouth the other hight came along.
Gawd, it really scares me that here in my little online refuge of sanity that a Drumpf presidency is being contemplated as a possible reality.
But there is no such thing as contemplating, assessing or thinking by his supporters. He’s doing a fine job of appropriating the populist jargon of sticking up for the little people as long as they’re of the right hue and since the MSMedia doesn’t hold him accountable for his ever changing positions he will be sounding like Bernie in the general election.
What I have to really avoid so that my soul doesn’t die prematurely is reading anymore about the machinations of the Clintons. Listening to the first hour of Cenk @ TYT yesterday was story after story of Clinton-bots trying to delegitamize Bernie in The Daily Beast with Chelsea on the board of directors and someone who started writing fan-boy bios about Hillary in 2001.
Before the caucus, I went to a Bernie sponsered training where I was told to watch for the Clintonistas asking for a second vote (which they’re entitled to do under the rules) after the Bernie people have left thinking things are settled. This did not happen but there was a lawyer bearing an HRC button who tried to muddy things up at the last minute in my precienct to argue that the two state delegates representing should be divided one and one even though the rules clearly stated that if there’s a majority ( my precienct went 45-15 for Bernie) both go pledged to the winner.
I agree, Clinton is a very weak and unappealing candidate who will keep the turn-out low
and will contrast unfavorably with a self-financing meglomaniac.
Art, I would thank you for your service but that is such a hollow self-gratifying phrase. I am happy you participated and I am sure represented well for me and other disenfranchised people around here.
Cruz really scares me, frankly. He’s crazier than batshit. Drumpf scares me less as he’s just inept. If Clinton is the nominee, we’ve got to get the vote out or we are sunk. Supreme Court wise, especially.
Glad you got your beer parts, pj, awesome!
Yeah, I think Cruz is even more dangerous than Trump. A Republican congress will let him do whatever he wants, and that’s a scary proposition. Rubio, too, would be terrible. Kasich is no great shakes, either (just because he seems less insane doesn’t mean he isn’t RWNJ).
Not to be self-centered, but I’m definitely scared for my retirement if any one of those idiots win.
Maher is sometimes good, sometime awful. I hope this clip works. There was a weird OT surprise from the rw guy..
Yes, T-Cruz is the scariest. Well skooled and a true believer. Drümpf just studied the videos tapes well and Rubio should just run and hide and bone up for 2020 or 2024. He probably can’t even get his Senate seat back at this point. Can we be greedy and hope for a Hail Mary from McCain or Bob Dole?
Cruz is scary because he is a rigid anti-everything I think is important. Rubio is scary because he is a lazy guy who wants power without either curiosity or a core of belief. Drumpf is scary because he an empty drum with no constraints on what he will do to get power. But, I have a very hard time deciding who is the worst. I think Rubio is he easiest to beat. Unfortunately that seems to be true in the Repub primaries.
As for the Dems, I think Bernie is a very decent guy with the right ideas but no way of achieving them. Were he to win I think he would do great damage to liberals. What would happen to Bernie’s ideas when those millions of people do not come to protest in order to force the Repubs to vote (or not filibuster) every plan. During Viet Nam and the Civil Rights movement millions never showed up even though lives were at stake. How many would come out for single payer? The first midterm election would be a tsunami of anti Bernie voters and the the Dems will view him as a failure.
I don’t agree with everything Hillary says but I have lived through enough Repubs to know that a Dem in the Whitehouse is much better than any Republican.
I guess we either can not get the things that are important to me because it’s impossible to get them with the way our goverment works, or we can not get those things because nobody will even bother trying. I guess I’d at least rather see somebody try.
Nicely dissected, sp. From what I understand from folks covering the campaign, Cruz has an extremely well-oiled campaign machine that plows through the states.
A choice of cancer or polio…
Looks like Sanders has an arrest record.
Sir George Martin, Beatles producer, dies aged 90
Ringo Starr announces death of revered producer who signed the band to Parlophone and collaborated on almost all of their records