At least it is if you forgot to set your clocks ahead an hour (and you don’t live someplace silly like Hawaii or Arizona or most of the rest of the world). I, for one, am happy to see this day come because I would much rather have an extra hour of daylight at the end of the afternoon, rather than in the morning. I just don’t understand why they have to do it on Sunday morning. Why not do it at 2:00 on Monday afternoon? Who would bitch about losing an hour of their Monday? And while you’re at it, make it a national holiday, too. But, once again, nobody listens to me.
Yesterday was a rather delightful day here – sunny and after a chilly start, it got up into the 60s. My wife asked me if I thought it would be safe for her to take the shovel out of her trunk. Ha! Even though it’s been a rather mild winter around here this year (about four-and-a-half feet below normal), having seen Blizzards in April and shovelable snow as late as Mother’s Day, I never take the shovel (let alone the gloves, backup gloves and snow brush) out of the car. That’s just begging for a blizzard.
Despite it not being St. Patrick’s Day yesterday, Syracuse had its annual parade, and they certainly had nice weather for it, and I expect there was a good turnout. Not that I went to it, of course. I do not, personally, love a parade (and, let’s face it, it’s not exactly NYC – or Boston, Chicago, St. Louis…). But I’m sure a good time was had by all.
I dunno about you, but I’m getting more and more terrified at the likelihood that we’re going to see a President Trump in the White House by this time next year. I know it’s normally just hyperbole when you call people a bunch of Nazis, but the physical violence and rhetoric we’ve been seeing at the Trump events sure reminds me of scenes from the Reichsparteitag der Ehre in 1930s Germany.
On the bright side, Trump said he won’t change Social Security. And he’s not one to go back on his word.
Heil, Drumpf!
Damn protesters depriving him of his First Amendement rights! How dare they! CNN is Drumpf’s Leni Riefenstahl.
Make America Great Again – Put them up against The Wall
I usually think the “S/He’s a Nazi” stuff is ridiculous. But, I have come to believe that Drumpf is behaving like Hitler and that his tactics at his rally are like Hitler’s. I think those Hitler speeches he kept at his bedside are his inspiration.
His comment, “Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!” is frightful. Can you imagine this man at the controls? And we know he believes internet hoaxes – the birther dumb-sh$ts. I am not feeling good about this either. Oh, and I like the idea of spring ahead happeneing on a Monday and Fall back on Saturdays.
Life goes on: Palemale and Octavia started sitting on their first egg on Wednesday. While we are having Drumpf nightmares, they are preparing for some new baby hawks.
Good story from the NY Times about Bernie Sanders and what he’s been able to accomplish in Congress and the Senate.
Doesn’t really seem like somebody who would do a lot of damage to the Liberal cause.
Apparently the Times decided that article didn’t quite fit their narrative, so they changed it.