On the way to work this morning, I was behind a flat bed truck hauling a burial vault. I hope that’s not some kind of omen for the type of day it’s gonna be. Now matter how terrible things get today, at least it’s finally Friday, and what a big week we’ve had.
As everybody surely knows by now, barring some sort of terrible mishap Donny Drumpf is the next Republican nominee for President. Imagine that. The electoral map isn’t looking too good for him right now, but there’s a long way to go until November and I wouldn’t overestimate the intelligence of the ‘merican people. You’ll gradually see all the GOP elites supporting the Don, I guarantee. And as Trump “moderates” himself, Independents and all the “maverick” types will start becoming more enamored of the Don (especially after the Republicans start pulling out some feces to fling at Clinton from their E-mailgate and Benghazi bags of tricks).
Why, Donald even “loves” Hispanics now!
Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! https://t.co/ufoTeQd8yA pic.twitter.com/k01Mc6CuDI
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2016
Of course, when he says he loves Hispanics, he means as an ingredient.
It promises to be a busy weekend at my house. First, I have to drag Bud in to the vet for his Lepto/Lyme vaccination (that it really would have been a lot easier for him to get when he was there a couple of weeks ago). And then the grass has grown approximately 2 feet since I cut it last weekend.
Plus I didn’t brew last weekend, so I need to cook up a batch this weekend, lest I fall behind in my quota. And then there’s all the usual trip tp Costco and laundry and all that shit – and then it’ll be Monday again.
Oh, and I’m on call so who knows what fun surprises are in store.
Then Sunday is Mother’s Day, though since I’m an orphan, I guess I’m off the hook for that one.
Today is the start of National Nurse’s Week (ending with the 196th birthday of Florence Nightingale on May 12). They make a big show of it where I work, pretending to value nurses by handing out some useless trinkets to them all.
I’d say that if you know a nurse, to wish her a Happy Nurse’s Day today, but odds are at best all you’ll get is a surly grumble about bullshit and hypocrites, and at worst, well…. If you’re not careful you could get hurt.
There is no such thing as DBA day (let alone week). At least, not one that anybody pays any attention to – especially around here. IT people are basically considered overhead. If we manage to keep things going without any catastrophic failures, then clearly we’re not needed and they’re just wasting money by paying us. And if something goes wrong, then we’re clearly incompetent and useless.
You just can’t win. As we (and by “we” I mean “me”) say around my house, nurses work from sun to sun, but DBA’s job is never done.
‘Mexican’ food with walls. This week sucked healthwise ending with a new temp crown breaking off hours after being done during the Friday dental emergency dump.
Happy nurse’s day!
Carry on!
Sorry to hear about your toof. I’ve had those damn temporary crowns pop off – and what’s underneath usually hurts like hell.
Happy Mother’s Day to all those that are a mom to someone/something.
Happy Nurses week to our resident nurse!
Feel better Vern!
To be a downer I guess, it’s my first Mother’s Day without a mom to call or visit…..
Speaking of Louis Armstrong, since my husband frequently tells me I was born in the wrong era, he’s taking me to see/hear Harry Connick Jr on mom’s day. Should help pass the day.
Those “first” holidays are always kind of sad.
Enjoy Harry Connick, that sounds like a fun time.
Here’s some encouraging news.
Connick is quite the entertainer. I really enjoyed it.
Thanjs pj. The firsts are hard indeed. I’m figuring out you don’t stop missing them. You just start to get used to missing them.
When a loved one dies, the things I remember at first are the pain and distress of the experience that surrounded the death. But, after some time, I begin to remember the fun and the sweet things. And then I find myself thinking about that person and I’m smiling. Then the loss is bearable. But, it takes a lot of time.
As I get older, I heal more slowly but physically and emotionally.
Yeah, after a while it stops hurting (most of the time) to think of them. My dad’s been dead for going on 22 years now, and my mom for about 17 but I still think about them every day.
And there are a lot of dogs I think about and still miss, too.
This getting old and sick and dying shit really doesn’t seem like a very intelligent design to me.
As somewhat of an expert on losing those you love:
Mom: December 19, 2012
Jenny Cat: July 3, 2013
Husband Steve: October 5, 2013
Maggie Cat: January 28, 2014
Dad: October 30, 2015
….I can tell you that it does get better. You always miss them and sometimes the grief hits you in the head like a two-by-four even years later, but it gets better.
Hi Jill. It’s nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear of your losses. It looks like the past few years have been pretty tough. I hope things are taking a turn for the better now.
The most comfort I’ve received is from others who have experienced loss and are willing to share their feelings. It’s nice to know that after the swing of two-by-four, the sting lessens. I love the dreams I have of mom; she’s healthy and no longer hurting.
Thank you all.
First, I would like to express great sadness at the passing of Morley Safer. Not many real journalists and reporters left from my ‘rock star’ generation. I feel like I sort of know one although I have never met him.
I saw a few old friends in Sherman Oaks and when we wnet to b’fast the morning after a fantastic dinner and late night sipping of very fine scotch, the next morning I went out to b’fast with my friend, the husband, and we got into a very deep conversation about the deaths of our parents over the years that went on for almost 5 hours. Scott sent me this piece I have not read yet that was a large parts of the discussion.
What it means to “hold space” for people, plus eight tips on how to do it well
By Heather Plett on March 11, 2015
He has taken a lot of the responsibility for the transition and passing of three of he and his wife’s parents with another one probably coming soon. My sister bore the brunt of our parents passages with me feeling guilty and trying to be as supportive as possible from 3000 miles away trying to do the best I could from afar.
It wasn’t exactly where I saw that day going but it was an important piece of a great trip.
Thanks, Vern. That is a very helpful article.
Veteran actor William Schallert dies aged 93
Oh, too bad. But he hung out for quite a while. Looking at his IMDB page, I think he was in pretty much every show I watched when I was a kid.
Of course, I know him best for his part in The Trouble with Tribbles.
It’s actually snowing right now. Isn’t that special.
The Ides of May is usually a magical day. I am on a train to Orange County via a bus link in Bakersfield. There will be a toast to Buck and Merle somewhere in there.
Thanks! In SoCal picking up a new used car. Got to watch OKC beat the Warriors last night 🙁
I may go to a Bernie rally tonight in Carson. He is in V’Town tomorrow but I will still be down here. A friend is driving down to San Diego Thursday for the Giants game but I think I need to get home. I’ll be missing Timmy, the new Angel hurler.
Happy belated birthday, Vernon. 39, I’m guessing.
If you were a FBer, you’d know I am 90.
Happy birthday, Vern and good luck with the new car.
Thanks Guy! No better!
Very clevah!
Go Thunder! (not like we have a chance, really.) Vern, I was so sad to see The Freak go south.
I just can’t stand it. After they do this shit, the GOP idiots headed off to end-of-the-year parties instead of staying to try and fund Medicaid in this state. The state is in financial free-fall, cutting everything, closing schools early, slashing Medicaid, literally everything and all they can do is enact a law that is unconstitutional. The state AG has brought numerous loser lawsuits costing this state heaven knows how much. Worthless SOB’s. GRRRRRRR

I’m sure they see this as a good way to overturn Roe v. Wade, once they get a Trump appointed Supreme Court Justice (or two).
Well, he lasted a lot longer than Donald O’Connor did.
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