AS if the prospect of a Trump presidency wasn’t chilling enough, according to Cris Cizilla, Newt Gingrinch is the favorite (amongst a group of thoroughly depressing prospects) to be chosen as Herr Drumpf’s running mate. Though I take everything I read in the Washington Post with a large pillar of salt ever since Jeff Bezos took it over, the prospect of Professor Pollygrip being one fat old guy heartbeat from the presidency probably even scarier than I find the prospect of a Trump presidency.
After all, Trump appears to be a loudmouth moron (as Archie Bunker might have said – except Archie would probably be the first guy in Queens to get himself a “Make America Great Again” hat – Donald is a meathead – dead from the neck up), but at least nobody on either side seems to like him. Newt is an evil little bastard who I could see being in cahoots with Paul Ryan from day one – killing social security, and eliminating taxes altogether for anybody with a few million bucks.
Of course, nobody who would be willing to run with Trump is gonna exactly be an exemplary human being. Either a total moron or an insane sociopath (or combination thereof). If I had to bet, I’d bet Trump goes with Mary Fallin ‘cuz she’s just the one to get the ladies on board for Trump, plus she’s from “real America” unlike Chice “Rice” Christie. I mean, is the heartland really ready for a team of loudmouth New Yorkers (yeah, I know NJ isn’t NY, but close enough – as long as all the bridge lanes are open, anyway). Whomever it turns out to be, it’s gonna suck, so may the Flying Spaghetti Monster help us if Trump gets elected.
And as inept as the Trump campaign seems to be (whether unintentional or not – I’m still not convinced this wasn’t all a money-making scam on his part), Republicans will goosestep in line behind him, and Hillary (and Bill) don’t seem to be doing Hillary’s campaign any favors. The best thing the Clinton campaign has going for it right now is Elizabeth Warren, and I really would hate to see the Republicans get a chance to nominate a Republican to the Senate when we need all the Democrats (especially real Democrats) we can get in the Senate.
I don’t know who that leaves as a Clinton running mate, but you can never go wrong with Joe Biden, right?