So, finally, election day is here. I’m always glad to see the campaign over with, but this year it’s an even bigger relief. For one thing, Google can stop offering to find my polling place for me. Thanks anyway, Google, but I already know where it is. Taking the bus complicates things a bit, as normally I like to stop off to vote on my way to work. That’s not an issue when you don’t punch a clock, but the bus waits for no man, so if I’m a bit late I’ll have to wait an hour for the next one. And the diner’s closed on Tuesdays.
I don’t have a great feeling about what’s gonna happen today. Maybe it’s having lived through Al Gore and John Kerry. Beyond the race for preznit, I’m afraid that Republicans will retain control of the Senate (the House, of course, is a foregone conclusion), so Clinton will have next to no chance of getting anything accomplished, let alone appointing anybody to the left of John Birch to the Supreme Court.
Get ready for 4-8 years of bullshit investigations. And that’s the best case scenario.
I don’t think I’ll have time to put together a chat room to watch the election returns, so I guess we’re all on our own. As for me, I plan on going to bed before the polls close. Hopefully it’ll all be over one way or the the other before this time tomorrow.
Good luck, America. Smoke it if you’ve got it.
You ever wonder what would happen if somebody from Dixville Notch just said, “fuck it – I’m going to bed. I’ll vote in the morning”?
The serial cheater doesn’t even trust his spouse!
Neither does his demon spawn.
If only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America were voting, Trump would win in a 50-state landslide.
For those of you who need to obsess on something, here’s a couple good places:
Slate Turnout Tracker
Vice War Room (live YouTube stream)
538 Election Day Blog
To help pass the time….
Speaking of his demon spawn.
Cash bar? What a cheap bastard.
And that says it all.