On behalf of the vast left wing conspiracy, I bid you all Happy Holidays from all of us here on the front lines of the war on Christmas. We’re not exactly exhibiting a festive atmosphere here at my household. The wife and I are both on call today, though hers only last until the end of the work day, and mine extends until tomorrow morning at eight AM, when I’m released from yet another week of unpaid after-hours servitude. My wife’s present to me today was to give me permission to not go with her to the in-laws’s house. Not that I don’t enjoy seeing them, of course, but I could get a call about a database-related emergency at any moment, and then I’d have to leave and spoil all the fun (because the only thing worse than being deprived of my presence is to be graced with my presence, only to have it suddenly taken away).
Instead, I guess I’ll just spend the day alternating between the Doctor Who Takeover Marathon (leading up to the highly anticipated Christmas Special) on BBCA and “The OA” on Netflix (started watching yesterday and stayed up past my bedtime last night). I’ve been watching Dr Who all week (or at least the past few days – not sure how long it’s been running), courtesy of a free trial of DirecTV Now, which ended yesterday (I cancelled it, but fortunately also cancelled the PayPal recurring payment, because the fuckers tried to charge me anyway).
DTV Now wasn’t bad, by the way, but with a bit of a clunky interface, a flakey Android app that kept crashing, no Android TV app (though you can cast it), no DVR capability, and no 5.1 streaming (except on some limited on-demand stuff and not via Chromecast), it just wasn’t worth the money. Plus the only thing I watch Live TV for is the local news (locals not available so I have to watch OTA anyway), SU sports (let’s just say there’s not much of incentive there), and football (also mostly on locals and every team I give a shit about seems to be a loser).
I’m now trying a free week of SONY’s Playstation Vue, which has an Android TV app and cloud DVR capability. Plus 5 simultaneous streams compared to 2 for DTV, though there’s still no 5.1 stereo, and SONY doesn’t have a deal with Viacom, so no Comedy Central and no CBS on demand stuff.
So I guess I’d better get going – all this teevee isn’t going to watch itself.
Whatever holiday you happen to be celebrating (or not) or whatever else it is you’re doing (or not), I hope you have a good day.
Happy whatever, Y’alll!
That is all.
Looks like you can get TCM on PS Vue with the $35 package, for whatever that’s worth.
You can get it with Sling TV for the $20 a month package with the $5 “Hollywood Extra” add-on.
I kinda like Vue, but the lack of 5.1 stereo is really disappointing. For a lot of things, it really doesn’t matter, but for others, it’s just not the same. I used it to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special, and the surround sound was noticeably absent.
Thanks. That’s odd re the stereo, when they’re trying to be the next best thing……
Yeah, it seems to be the case with DirecTV Now, Sling TV, and Hulu as well. Not sure if it’s because of an extra expense to license Dolby Digital if they use it, or if they feel it would require too much added bandwidth for the extra signal. Dolby Pro Logic II on my receiver does a pretty good job of simulating surround from a stereo source, but still.
Amazon and Neflix seem to stream in 5.1 so you’d think these other people could, too. Unless they think people just won’t notice.
“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.” -Obi-Wan Kenobi
Well we’re back to white out conditions here. Ain’t that nice. Good thing I took today off.
h/t Vern for being keeper of the blog official records.
Don’t you wish this was the twighlight zone and we could turn the nightmare off/
I wish we could at least confine the monsters to Maple Street.
We can finally bid farewell to 2016. It will not be missed. It is my fervent wish that 2017 be better.
If it’s worse – and all indicators are that it probably will be – it’s gonna be a bad one.
We will need strength
I think I’ll go nowhere and cry myself to sleep.
Father Mulcahey