I have not been feeling very well the past few days. Just a bit of a cold – nothing major or life-threatening (at least, I hope not. I can imagine relating the story down the road, “it all started out with cold symptoms – boy was I surprised when it turned out to be meningitis!”), but the usual crappy cold-like symptoms – headache, sore throat, drippy nose (that’s got to be to illness what fungus gnats are to etymology). Not enough to put you down for the count (or even justify calling in sick) – just enough to piss you off and make you feel irritable and crappy.
Then, in addition to the general Trumpian cloud of despair that we find ourselves living under (fun fact, Trump Jr says he wants to run for Governor, because NYC mayor isn’t good enough for him. Now there’s a thrilling idea for my fellow NYers. I’d dismiss it as a sick joke of an idea that could never happen, but….), I went to let the dogs out at 4:00 this morning, and was greeted by a couple inches of snow on the ground. Well, isn’t that special.
Now, it’s certainly not unheard of for that to happen around here in April, it was definitely an unwelcome (and unexpected – I’d heard there might be some snow, but I was thinking a few flakes in the air, not actual accumulation) sight.
I mean, I feel like shit to begin with, I have to hear about President Ass Wipe every day, there’s potential for Governor Baby Wipe, and now it’s fucking snowing. How much am I supposed to be expected to deal with before I snap?
Well, at least it’s Friday. And it looks like we have a new war or two to look forward to (not to mention all the upcoming “how manly and presidential that Trump guy is” news stories that we’re about to be inundated with).
I sure picked a bad year to quit drinking beer.
I hope you feel better soon, PJ.
I really don’t like Cuomo, but the thought of a Junior Trump as NYS government wrecker makes it possible that I will vote for Cuomo. I have always voted third party for governor since Cuomo was elected. But I confess, compared to a little Trumpette, Cuomo looks better.
I don’t see how the Trumpette could be elected, though. He’s have to overcome an enormous vote in the cities against him.
Might be a good opportunity for a 3rd party candidate to come in and win. I’m not sure if li’l Mario will run again, though. I think he may have his sights set on 2020.
We’ll see, I guess.
Hope you feel better, pj. Snow in April sounds suckie (sp?). We are in full spring and those with allergies (most Okies as it is BAD here) are suffering mightily. I’ve been busy with work and keeping up with my 92 year old WWII Veteran who insisted on driving to your neck of the woods, pj. He wanted to see my brudder and his old haunts. He drove it successfully, but I followed him on my phone and booked his hotels ahead of him. He’s now at my sisters and within getting back home to our house in a day’s drive. Crazy ole coot.
I’m not sure how to paste a screen shot but Trump has your answer here. He thought Obama would do it and you know Trump…..
Damn, that’s a helluva long drive.
Finally, a smart Texas bill:
Texas masturbation bill is now in the hands of the Texas State Affairs Committee
In March, Texas State Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, filed a bill that would penalize men for “unregulated masturbatory emissions” and the bill has now made its way into the hands of the Texas State Affairs Committee on Tuesday.
The bill contains provisions that would put restrictions on masturbation, vasectomies, Viagra prescriptions and colonoscopies, including:
* The state must create a booklet called “A Man’s Right to Know” that contains information on the benefits of and risks of vasectomies, Viagra prescriptions and colonoscopies. A man must review the booklet before getting the procedure.
* A doctor must get consent from the man before providing any of the treatments. The man may only get the treatment after waiting 24 hours and reviewing “A Man’s Right to Know.”
* A man will be fined $100 for “unregulated masturbatory emissions.” The fines will benefit children in the care of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
* A man must receive a rectal exam and an MRI of his rectum before receiving treatments.
OK, but colonoscopies? Aren’t they gender neutral?
Wish I knew a few days ago a little more.
I hope they have an enforcement mechanism. I like the bill
Enough Rethug perverts out there who I’m sure would jump at the chance.
Vern, those ain’t fun…..
I’m sure there are many Republicans who have a wide stance on the enforcement piece.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooklahoma where the assholes run rampant on the plain.
It is very hard living with Republicans. It is very hard to listen to them and very very hard to live with the consequences of their plans. Fortunately, rned my children when they were young that their choice of marriage partners was limited only by party affiliation: No Republicans. Now I have passed that message on to my grandchildren. I mean to live by Okats sign : Republican Free Zone.
View from my wife’s office:
View from my “office”:
Don’t seem fair, do it?
Pj, you got the raw end of that deal, man. Love being in the zone with ya, sp!
I accosted one of our fine senators at a big box store recently. I thanked him for selling out our privacy. He was not happy with me and said he’d NEVER do that.

Oregon man ‘passes away peacefully’ after being falsely told Pres. Trump was impeached
PORTLAND, Ore. — An Oregon man died peacefully earlier this month, after his ex-wife falsely told him President Donald Trump was impeached.
According to the obituary in the Oregonian – which is now going viral – Michael Garland Elliott’s health had been deteriorating for the past decade. “He honestly didn’t know” which year he was born in, either 1940 or 1941, in Charlottesville, Va. and eventually moved to the west coast. Elliott was “the sharpest dresser in town, single-handedly keeping Nike’s apparel wing in the black.”
His ex-wife was by his side before he passed away, and the last thing she said to him was, “Donald Trump has been impeached.”
“Upon hearing that he took his final, gentle breath, his earthly work concluded,” the obituary reads.
Is that for real or is it Oreg-Onion?
Either way, it’s too bad he hasn’t been impeached (and convicted – though then we get Pence, so I don’t know what’s worse).
I guess a long drawn out impreachment process followed by a long drawn out trial in the Senate followed by narrow aquittal (say, just a vote shy of 2/3, killing the careers of as many Republicans as possible) would be the best. Say, the entire process takes about 3 1/2 years and prevents the Republicans from doing anything other than the most basic of business. And then a voter blacklash that runs them all out of Washington (have my doubts about that, though – Donnie Dickhead would probably still in in an EC landslide).
O’Reilly is out at Fox. Tucker Carlson will take his place. I’m sure Tucker will be as nauseating as old Bill.
I don’t know. Those are mighty big diapers to fill.
Two new chicks for Palemale and Octavia
Those are cute chicks.
And they’re healthy looking!
Some bird of prey ate a pigeon in my neighbor’s yard and a pigeon in my yard the following day. My neighbor saw the hungry bird, but I didn’t. She said it was a large bird, hawk, she thinks. We saw only the feathers and one foot left in our yard. Pretty impressive how clean both areas were picked over. These pigeon’s have been a bit of problem for us. We had to put plastic tines up on our house’s high rafters as the damn birds were roosting and pooping on our deck below. I kind of missed them until I saw a couple more still hanging around. Pigeons are ubiquitous.
Old Gigi isn’t doing so well. At age 13 and a good sized dog, I know its expected, but that fact doesn’t make it easier. She was really on a steep decline and I took her to the Vet to make sure it was age and not something curable. She underwent 4 days of IV fluid intake. I took her and picked her up each day. She rebounded nicely, but it is an age problem and we won’t be doing that again. She is not eating much and is very selective. We spend half our time trying to figure out what she’ll eat. Mr. FK fried her a burger tonight and she ate that. She is still getting around fairly well at times, is perky when the postal carrier and others come by and I can walk her around a block. It’s just a ton of work to keep her going. Not that I’m complaining about the effort, just the prognosis. I learned that there is a thing called Dog Hospice now and it sounds pretty awesome if it fits a person’s situation (dog’s situation?). At the moment, Gigi is holding her own and we are holding our breath. It just sucks, though.
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope Gigi stays happy and healthy for a long time.
I’m so sorry to hear about Gigi. It’s an ordeal, but more of one for you than Gigi. Fortunately for dogs, they don’t anticipate their end. They live one day at a time.
Thanks guys. That’s a great point, sp.