So Kathy Griffin held up a bloody, severed Trump head in a photo. I don’t know the context, if there was any, but I guess she was trying to be funny, and this wasn’t seen as funny by, really, anybody. To me, this is not surprise, because (while I confess to not being terribly familiar with her) I’ve rarely found Kathy Griffin to be particularly funny. I could be wrong – maybe she’s a real hoot. But anyway, this wasn’t funny, especially to the sensitive, in-touch with their feminine sides (that’s not a sexist thing to say these days, is it? If so, I apologize) Republicans (as opposed, to, say, kicking the shit out of a reporter, or hanging Obama in effigy, or depicting him as a witch doctor complete with nose bone, or any of those other truly high-sterical Ted Nugent utterances). But it also wasn’t particularly funny to me – if for no other reason than I despise looking at that ugly pig-orangutan hybrid’s puss, whether it’s attached to his shoulders or not. It also wasn’t funny because it gave the jack-booted Konservatives an opportunity to express faux outrage and blather on about how awful “Liberals” are – as if this Kathy Griffin person represents all Liberals and liberal ideas.
I will give some grudging respect to Trump, however. He tweeterated (I guess) that his 11-yr old son was reduced to a quivering pile of jelly because he thought that Griffin had literally beheaded deal old dad. Say what you want, but it has to be tough for Mucho Macho Donno to admit his son is apparently a rather stupid crybaby wimp. Probably spends too much time with his mother (or maybe his nanny). Had somebody done similar related to my dad when I was 11 (and, keep in mind, this was well before the Internet or Photoshop was in invented, and stop-action claymation and puppetry – complete with visible wires – was the epitome of special effects, so something this “real” looking would have had much more of an impact), I’d have probably been pretty pissed and I might have felt a desire to punch somebody in the nose or go all “Billy Jack” on their asses (at least, in my childish little mind), but I can pretty much guarantee you I wouldn’t have been stupid enough to think it was real and it wouldn’t have made me want to cry.
So good for Donald admitting that his boy is a clueless little wimp (like father, like son) that probably plays with dolls (as opposed to the “action figures” I played with as a kid, which are clearly much more manly, though if pressed I’ll admit to taking my sister’s Barbi – and Ken – dolls out for a spin. Mostly, I enjoyed blowing up my little green – and blue – army men. And napalming them – except I used gasoline – and watching them melt. One tip for you aspiring young pyromaniacs out there – don’t fill an empty soda can up with gasoline and then light it to recreate the Olympic flame. That can gets really hot, really fast, and when you drop said can on the driveway and then attempt to extinguish the flames with a garden hose, it only spreads the flames all across the driveway. Which, I have to admit, is a rather impressive sight once you get over the sheer panic. Ah, those were the days).
Of course, this stunt also wasn’t funny because it distracts everyone (everyone being the collective mental giant known as “We the People”) from what’s truly important. As if the world didn’t already think we were all a bunch of rubes, now Trump has (as expected) pulled us out of the Paris accord (that the rest of the world bent over backwards to negotiate to US specifications just to get us on board).
Our (as in, the United States’) rather brief turn as that shining beacon to be both looked up to (to the extent that we ever were – there’s probably as much or more myth to that idea than there is truth) and respected is more or less over. The Visigoth’s have sacked the capital, Christianity has undermined all we’ve stood for (or at least pretended), Romulus has fallen, and Odoacer sits on the throne.
Oh, we’ve still got nukes and enough of an economy that the world will continue to pay a certain amount of lip service to us. We’ll get invited to all the best parties – but they’ll all be laughing at us behind our backs.
At least until this asshole President our ours and his asshole buddies in Congress and the Supreme Court get done raping and pillaging here at home and decide to invade somebody in order to boost their ratings.
That’ll teach Kathy to make Barron cry.
I heard that Kathy and her head are being used in commercials to batter Ossoff because of course we liberals all look alike and therefore no one will notice that Ossoff and Kathy aren’t the same. Perfectly understandable. I’m often mistaken for Bill DeBlasio.
Again, PJ, I must take issue with the pig/ orangutan comparison to Trump. I still think slugs or perhaps slime eels would be more accurate. I found a slug on my kitchen floor last night, It was ugly and slimy and had no business in my kitchen. I called it an ugly covfefe and picked it up in a napkin and threw it outside. It looked just like all right wingers.
Well, there really is no comparison on the mammalian, invertebrate, reptilian, ornithological, entomological, or arachnological scales. Nothing that I can think of is both intentionally and indiscriminately nasty to all other creatures (including its own species) as well as hostile to its environment.
One should never attempt to anthropomorphize Republicans – particulary of the Trumpian variety. They may occasionally behave as if they are human, but they aren’t, and one should never ascribe human motivations (or emotions) to them.
And I’ll take a slug in my kitchen over a Trump in the White House any day.
I was rather shocked with the faux shock of Griffin’s antics. (Not really.) I don’t find her funny normally so her attempt at comedy was missed on me. I just don’t understand why the Republicans weren’t worried about the Obama girls when they had photos of Obama as a devil, hanging, declared he was a Kenyan citizen etc. Gee, you think Republican children are different than Democratic children?
Eric Trump has an answer for us:
Like him or not, just imagine the world of pain that will be unleashed on Comey. I think Comey can handle himself and has a plan of how to proceed. Those 4 weasels who were up today should be taken out sooner than later.
I think they only thing that will come out of Comey’s testimony will be who he gets to be a talking head for. After the Clinton e-mail “scandal,” he was a shoo-in for Fux News and the odd “serious” appearance on the Sunday Booblehead shows. With this, he’ll be shunned by the Konsrvative outlets, and will no doubt become a hero for the MSNBC crowd.
As for Trump, I predict nothing will come of any of this. Just as those “serious” GOP Senators will all fall in line to repeal the ACA and make life worse for regular people.
They’re all crap, and I’ve long since grown tired of all of this. I really just want to retire and run out the clock on this life in blissful ignorance. But there are too many Trumpian/Republican years to get through first, and the Supreme Court will be stacked against We The People (even though a sizable percentage of “The People” deserve what they’re gonna fucking get, though they’ll never realize they did it to themselves) for the rest of my life.
I’m afraid I’m screwed. And I was this close to skating by, too.
Flock Of Geese Poops On Disneyland Party
Hazmat? Really?
Speaking of fecal matter…
CNN Drops Reza Aslan Over His Vulgar Criticism of Trump
As I understand it, he called Trump a piece of shit. I don’t really see the issue there.
The world is an ugly place and getting worse under Trumpians. Meowwwww.
I don’t even know any guys who were ever involved in “domestics.” I guess I’m just odd that way or something.
Some people (potential clients) think it’s no biggie to have a domestic, nor that they think doing meth is a big deal, nor to they think a DUI is a biggie…. it’s crazy out there!
Marc Maron Is Coming Around to Being Famous
via the NYT Magazine
So much winning!
Congrats to the Golden State Warriors, and to co-owner Peter Gruber who graduated from, um, let me see, I have it written down here somewhere….
screwed the Thunder overtook home. #manchild