And good riddance to 2017, which pretty much sucked all the way around. I wish I thought things were gonna get better in 2018, but I have my doubts. Still, one can hope. Speaking of hope, I hope everybody had a safe (and warm) night last night, and you’re getting at least one more day off before diving back into the rat race tomorrow. Here, like a lot of places lately, it’s cold. Currently it’s about -7°, but it’s supposed to get to double digits (above zero) today. Wednesday is the big warm-up day with a predicted high of 23 or so, and then things get nasty cold once more. Not great standing on the corner waiting for the bus weather, that’s for sure. So I’m gonna plan on doing as little of that as possible. It’s not much of a New Year’s resolution, but it’s all I’ve got.
I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. Will it be better than 2017? Maybe. Perhaps we’ll learn to ignore the orange one.
OK with me.
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
Looks like this latest storm is going to stay to the east of us. Other than it’s going to be even colder, at least we won’t have a couple of feet of snow to deal with. For you folks closer to the coast (sorry, Sue), I hope things aren’t too bad. Don’t forget to stock up on beer and cigarettes.
It’s a snowicane.
This storm that was supposed to miss us, doesn’t seem to be missing us.
It is certainly not missing me. It’s been snowing and blowing all day. It’s hard to tell how much snow has fallen because of all the drifting. I’m snowed in but when it stops the driveway will get plowed and then, with luck, i can get the car out.
We’re off to the driest winter in 33 years. Please send snow ??
Trade snow for dope? I think we can work something out.
Well, Jeff sessions has seen to it that
that is not going to happen
Isn’t there some kind of second amendment remedy for that? Not sure what that means, but I remember our Dear Leader saying something about it.
Happy New Year!
Glad you’re all making it through the cyclone bomb (or bomb cyclone?). Sue, hope you got your car out! We were up in Art’s neck of the woods this past week. We missed some very cold temps at home. As Art said, almost no snow in Colorado. Not to worry, however. I did my part in pissing off Jeffy Sessions.
We got through the snowicane with only a couple feet of snow where I live. Stood outside in about -20 degree windchill for over an hour waiting for the bus last night. Took me nearly 3 hours altogether to get home. Made it to a balmy 3 degrees or so today – not expected to make it above zero tomorrow, and the wind has turned everything into a white out.
Now we’re expecting another foot or snow and the back side of this storm brings the wind over the Great Lakes and dumps on us. Normally we just get this from Lake Ontario, but they say this will bring lake effect from as far away as Lake Huron.
I can deal with the snow, but this wind and cold is really sucky. I feel bad for the dogs – it’s even too cold for them (and they’re chest deep – or more – in the snow).
I’m definitely getting too old for this shit. Though I guess it was a good year to buy a new truck.
Tis cold for sure. Even Lola, who loves to lie in snow, came right back in after I let her out and has not asked to go out since.
The GOP is once again making me proud. Now that the House has discovered all there is to know about Russian and our elections, they’ve decided to recommend that Michael Steele be indicted for lying to the FBI. And, we are now investigating the Clinton Foundation again. I guess Benghazi will soon have a comeback.
Ah, loved him…..
Multi-instrumentalist contributed to all of Rock Hall-inducted prog rock band’s albums until 2002 retirement
What did we ever do to deserve such a shit hole president?
And it keeps getting worse. And the Rethuglican party is truly that now, a bunch of criminal thugs. Can you even believe what is happening. Every single day something disastrous. I’m exhausted.
PJ, you’re a real bus patron. I would not have the fortitude to wait in the cold like you. We’re getting another arctic blast. But I have snow envy. The wind was so powerful it woke me up this morning. Heehee….not that kind!