I may have given everyone the impression that I’m not fond of our Governor her in NY State. That’s mostly because I rather despise him. Not that he doesn’t have his good points. I guess. He was right out there in front of the whole legalizing same-sex marriage here in NY, for instance. I don’t know what his motivations were. Perhaps he truly felt it was the right thing to do. Or maybe he was just politically savvy enough to see which way the political winds were blowing and figured he’d get out there in front of the issue. Wasn’t really a tough sell in most of NY, to be honest. And he kinda sorta was out there on the whole medical marijuana thing, except the law here in NY has some pretty ridiculous hoops to jump through, they aren’t allowed to sell anything smokable or editable, and from what I understand it’s about ten times more expensive to get with a prescription that it is get it the old fashioned way (you know, from your kid’s friend Larry). But NY politicians are a weaselly bunch, going back to abstaining on the vote for independence from England and, hey, it’s a start, right?
Mostly, though, our Governor is an arrogant, corrupt (in the political tradition of the Great State of New York that isn’t exactly unusual) snotball that puts the Cuomo name to shame. I don’t have the strength to delve into everything going on in NYS government (it’s not all that easy to understand) but, among other things, Cuomo seems to have emboldened a bunch of NYS Senate DINOs in forming a coalition with Republicans to keep the Senate in Republican control. Why, I don’t know.
I do know that he feuded with our recently term-limited Democratic mayor (silly woman seemed to think the state ought to help us out with our crumbling infrastructure, whereas Governor Andy seemed to think an amphitheater for an area that gets about six weeks of summer a year, a new downtown taxpayer-funded football stadium – whose failure he blamed on her – and a gondola (of all things) for the NYS Fair – which lasts for about two weeks in the fall, were more important. So he shut her out and cozied up with our Republican County Executive (who, to be fair, is also a woman, so I guess we can’t toss out the “misogynist” label – at least as far as this goes).
But, anyway, let’s just say it wouldn’t break my heart to see Governor Snotball gone.
Enter Cynthia Nixon. Now, I don’t know much about her and I’m not gonna just write her off as a “celebrity activist” or anything. She seems like a nice person, appears to pretty much have her mind right (by which I mean I agree with all of her stated positions – that I know of, anyway), and I know it would make certain heads spin (then pop off and explode) to not only have a woman Governor, but a bisexual woman married to a woman.
I will say that my knee-jerk reaction is that going from zero-to-Governor (in terms of political public service) is not necessarily a good thing. I mean, maybe run for school board or common council or something, first. And Governor of NY isn’t exactly like being Governor of, say, Alaska (all due respect to Sarah Palin). Good intentions aside, it seems like you kind sorta oughta be pretty sure you know how things work and how to run an office like that in order to have a prayer of actually getting things accomplished.
I mean that’s why, politics aside, Hillary Clinton would have been good at the whole presidentin’ thing. Being a very respected (at least in private – can’t let the wingnuts see you giving her any credit publicly) two-term Senator and Secretary of State are a couple of pretty good items on the old CV. And Bernie Sanders knows how the sausage is made, too, and by all accounts had a lot of success (that he didn’t get credit for) at working with scumbags Republicans to get things passed.
That’s why – even setting aside the whole narcissistic sociopathic moron stuff – Hillary or Bernie (or my dog) would have been a much better alternative as POTUS right now.
Now, I did hear somebody the other day say “well what about Arnold as Governor of California?” Which kinda proves my point, but, you know, I’ll let our Californians explain that one.
The other issue with Nixon as a candidate (not so much with me, personally) is that I think she may be seen as very New York City-centric. I’ve heard a lot about her wanting to, say, fix the subways (which I don’t disagree with), but up here in god’s country, the infrastructure is falling apart and we’ve got rather appalling poverty and unemployment. Plus there’s long been a sense (fair or not) that downstate gets all the money and at best doesn’t give a shit and at worst has complete contempt for the hicks upstate. Or, as Ed Koch once said,
“… out in the country, wasting time in a pickup truck when you have to drive 20 miles to buy a gingham dress or a Sears Roebuck suit? This rural America thing — I’m telling you, it’s a joke.”
The real joke there is that all the Sears are closed.
Anyhow, the gubernatorial candidate that I supported a few years back – Zephyr Teachout (who, full disclosure, has also never held elected office that I know of, but is a law professor and clerked for a judge in the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, so she’s at least got some experience in the Judicial Branch) – signed up for the Nixon campaign (god, that sounds weird), as her Treasurer and seems to be a staunch supporter, so I’ll certainly keep an open mind.
Plus, did I mention I despise Cuomo?
But, man, it would sure feel weird to pull the lever for Nixon. OK, so, we don’t have levers anymore – but “fill in the bubble for Nixon” sounds pretty weird, too.

This whole no-experience thing is an experiment that has failed for the Presidency, fer sure. I’d think governor of NY would be similar. You have a bunch of stuff going on in your state. Now governor of Oklahoma? All they do is keep the oil and gas folks happy and say no to everyone and everything else – it’s a no-brainer job. The piano student could do it.
My initial, kneejerk reaction was that I’m not into the whole celebrity candidate thing – be it Nixon, Oprah, Schwarzenegger or (most especially) our current Asshole in Chief. I also don’t like the whole “business person” candiate thing (particularly a failed business pig like the aforementioned Chief Asshole). Government is NOT (and should not be run like) a for-profit business that has a fiuciary responsibility to the shareholders (especially when the shareholders are the likes of the Russian mafia, the Koch Cabal or Roger fucking Ailes). I’d like to think the governement should be beholden to its cutomers – that is, “We the People.” Especially to those among us who have the least and need the most help. I find it difficult to cry for the billionaires.
Not that I equate Oprah or Cynthia with Donald or Arnold, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t think the highest positions in the State should be, at best, “learn as you go” positions or at worst vanity titles. There are too many people who know how to work the system and take advantage of the naive (or downright stupid). Or both.
That being said, I’m willing to listen to anybody who doesn’t appear to be stupid and/or corrupt.
We have a long-time NYS Senator who has thrown his hat into the ring. He’s a Republican who always runs unopposed (I guess the weather isn’t the only thing we have in common with Russia around here). In the past, he’s been rather well thought of by working people and unions, being a member of the IBEW himself (he’s one of the few Republicans I’ve ever voted for, in fact, though I can’t recall if he had an opponent at the time, and the election wasn’t exactly in doubt). But over the years, he seems to be turning more and more into a typical Republican, so I can’t say I’ll be supporting him. Also, people from up here just don’t get elected Governor. Not since Nathan Miller in 1920 – who served for two years.
As I mentioned, the folks downstate think we’re a bunch of ignorant hicks up here, and there’s a sense that they really don’t give a shit about us (as our crumbling infrastructure and poverty can kind of attest to).
One of the reasons Hillary Clinton (of all people!) had so much success running for the Senate up here (she carried Upstate both times rather overwhelmingly, though not by as much of a margin as she did down in godless NYC – but I think she did better up here than she did on Long Island) is that before she officially ran, she spend a lot of time on a “listening tour” getting to know the prblems we have up here. Might sound kind of corny, but I think people appreciated the effort. Or at least getting a little attention for a change.
I really liked Al Franken.
Yep, that’s why I’m willing to keep an open mind and not just dismiss anybody out of hand. Al is a smart guy who I think knows how the sausage is made and was able to work with people on both sides to find common ground and accomplish things.Unfortunately, I think he was deemed an acceptable sacrifice to the party “leadership” and political posturing in order to be perceived as taking the “moral high ground.”
Though as a male, I’m not really entitled to have that opinion.
So, from this NYT story on Karen McDougal suing to talk about her affair with Trump…
Wouldn’t you change your name if it was “Pecker”? Al Franken – I miss him, too. He is brilliant and studied. Being a Senator or Representative is easier to learn on the job, don’t you think? They have classes they take and there are many around them that help. They just have to put out a newsletter here and there. We have dumbshit US representatives and if they can do it anyone can.
Leader of a state or the United States seems a bit more daunting. Our governor really screwed things up.
John Bolton scares the crap out of me.
Perhaps he’s the progeny of a proud pack of Peckers, whose patriarch, presumably is Peter.
Yes, I would think that being the chief executive of a state, country, or even a large corporation would be a lot more difficult than one representative amongst many. I mean,
the NRA tells you how to vote, and then you hit the phones to beg for money. But the head dude or dudette actually has to run the show and decide things – or at least hire competent (and ideally not corrupt) people to take care of shit. We certainly have seen what happens where there’s a head moron letting a bunch of corrupt kleptocrats loose on things. I suppose we should be grateful they’re incompetent fools or they’d be doing even more damage, if that’s possible.
I think Al had his own plan that he executed well laying low for a few years before he eased his previous talents back into his bag of tools. As an executive, I doubt that he would try going it on his own while eliminating anyone who no longer entertained or humored him. Oops, I am sorry, I see Cheeto Fredo has brought in wooly worm lip for our security and a host of TV suck-ups and apologists to help him sink the listing ship of state. SO SMART! SAD!
A clear indication of stupidity is Trump thinking he could take on Joe Biden. Aside from Joe being a wiry fella that would run circles around that fat slob – seriously, he wouldn’t have to throw a punch, just wait for Trump’s heart (assuming he’s got one) to explode – if you have any brains you ought to know you don’t fuck with an Irishman. We might not be the sharpest tools in the shed, but we’ve got thick skulls and we’re too damn stubborn to stay down.
In the real world, Kirk could never have bested Finnegan.
Looks like we’re #1 (in Syracuse, Nebraska).
Must be spring – the wheelbarrows are popping up.
Probably shoulda put that in the shed last fall.
I’m shocked to hear that Facebook is an insidiously evil scourge on the Internet, complicit in selling my private information to the highest bidder. And the lowest bidder. And all the bidders in between.
Now I’m thinking maybe it wasn’t a great idea to share the fact that I’m from Ballybunnion, went to school at Ballybunion Scoil Íosagáin, that in college I majored in Polar Law and West Nordic Studies at Háskólinn á Akureyri, and that I currently live in Reyðarfjörður.
And then there’s all those dog pictures. But, hey, it’s National Puppy Day, so what the hell?
I too am torn. Cuomo is an ass. But Cynthia Nixon is an actress. I would support her run for legislator but not for Governor. NYS needs someone who can run a state not just have the right positions on issues. It;s still early though. Maybe someone else will enter the race.
And…maybe Bolton will blow up te world and elections will be the farthest thing from out minds.
Great moments in Sweet Sixteen history.
I was just watching that clip.
I guess my indifference now takes me to the NBA (OMG, Steph Curry down!) and MLB (Giants lose two of their top 3 starters in 2 days?! WTF!?.
Well, we’ve got one more crack at Duke today – in lacrosse. Of course, the lax team isn’t exactly having a wonderful year this year either. NBA doesn’t really do it for me, at least not until maybe the conference championships, which are, what, another six months away? And MLB opening day is in March this year? Call me old fashioned (or just plain “old”) but shouldn’t basketball end before baseball begins? Even the Syracuse Chiefs open on April 5th, and, let me tell ya, the odds of sitting outside the first week of April being an enjoyable experience around here are pretty slim.
We’ve got one more year as the Nationals farm team and then we belong to the Mets, so my allegiances are complicated this season. I guess the Auburn Doubledays are still with Washington, so I’ll opt for them. And the Doubledays open in mid June, which seems a much more baseball-ish time of year (at least for those of us up here in the Great White North). Plus going to an AA game is more fun – kind of like sandlot ball with a few of your close personal friends. Hell, they’d probably let you take an at-bat if you asked nice. Or at least let you take batting practice.
Remember violations like travelling and palming the ball?
Those are only violations if you’re not an all-star. Otherwise, you can pretty much pack the ball up into a suitcase and carry it to the basket.
I saw a comment from some Trumpbot on a WaPost story about Elon Musk shutting down the Tesla and SpaceX Facebook pages, that went something like “Obama did it and nobody cared about that!” I wanted to reply to him that was silly because Obama of course used UsoKitabu – aka, Kenyan facebook – to steal his two elections, but WaPost wanted me to log in to their comments using Facebook and I figured, really, what’s the point?
On the bright side, I just found there are something like 16 Uso Kitabu Facebook profiles out there. Pretty sure one of them’s Obama.
So, you’ve probably seen this already, but if not….
If you’ve ever had Facebook installed on your phone, you might want to download an archive of your Facebook data. You can get to that by clicking the little downy arrow next to the question mark, then selct settings, then “Download a copy of your Facebook data.” They create a zip archive and you have to wait for it and then you can download it and extract the files, which you kinda have to click through (they’re html files and the links between files don’t seem to work, but whatever).
Anyhow, among other things of note, you may find that F-book scraped all you phone’s contact information and all the calls you’ve ever made with that phone. Yeah. Not on mine, because I’ve never installed it, but I’ve seen some things that other people have posted and, well, it’s a bit icky. Plus there all the advertisers that have your contact information and of course every time you’ve ever gone to f-book and the IP address, date, time, etc.
Just another reason why Facebook sucks.