So, the Fed is taking over AIG. It’s getting to the point where being a failed financial institution is almost as good as being a software company competing with Microsoft. If you’re a good company that threatens MS, they buy you out. If you’re a crappy company that threatens the status quo, the government (or some other branch of the “free market” buys you out.
Pretty cool.
Finally, we have our locals in HD via DirecTV. Would have been nice for the first two weeks of football season, but what the hell.
Yesterday’s Maron v. Seder VOD
Audio download links
:barf: :barf: :barf:
I like your gravatar, RG.
Why we need Prez. McClaim
Just call me Tangle Jig Palin.
Plate Jungle Palin, here, reporting for duty. :jerk:
Out of bed at the crack of 12:30! Days off rock!
Thump Hummer Palin
(which sounds vaguely gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
Wow! My first time chatting with Sam and Marc during the show! That was fun! Sam only read part of my question. :smack:
Norman Whitfield, Motown producer, dies at 67
Norman Whitfield, the Grammy-winning songwriter and forward-thinking producer who helped shape the direction of R&B and soul music at Motown Records in the 1960s and 1970s, died Tuesday. He was 67.
🙁 :gate:
Axe Diesel Palin ‘riding high on the lonesome highways here. (Shouldn’t this be Seanie’s name?) 😯
Kristapea’s name mentioned almost everyday on MvS :banana: :fire:
Marc will be on Conan tonight.
Maron v. Seder 9-17-2008 MP3 links
Submitted by Cat Chew on Wed, 09/17/2008 – 4:17pm.
This audio file is approx. 52 minutes.
These links will take you to a download page at MediaFire:
Maron v. Seder – September 17, 2008 (15MB – 40kbps)
Maron v. Seder – September 17, 2008 (9MB – 24kbps)
When did they mention my name, I didn’t hear it and I was listening.
What did they say?? I wanna know.
I got an Obama/Biden button today and I am going to wear it til the election.
Hey, so, our fascist bully boy sheriff, Joe Arpaio(pink underwear and hand cuffs, I’m sure you’ve heard of him by now) had a poll on his site and it was overwhelmingly AGAINST him. I’m listening to Jeff Farias today and he has Joe’s opponent in the coming election, Dan Saban on and he was talking about that poll and that Joe has put all the ip addresses that voted against him on his site. I’m still looking for that page but it inspired me to volunteer for Saban’s campaign and put his sticker on my car. If I disappear between now and the election, you’ll know why. 😯
What time is Conan on? I wanna see Marc tonight, I’m gonna try to stay up.
So, Obama’s campaign is paying $10/hr to canvas between now and the election. I’m unemployed and I need cash and I’m feeling kinda angsty so, I think I’ll do it. It’ll be hot and sweaty but I guess I’m used to that. :hot:
Well, PJ would be Mole Valdez Palin if Sarah was his Mom & I would be Vise Peeper Palin :omg:
Hopefully this will not happen for either of us in any future incarnations 😮
We’ll be watching out for you, KP, Arpaio is a fascist pig who needs to GO (was he in St. Paul last week??? — it was pretty :fu: ing scary in MSP/St.Paul during the RNC).
Got this message from the Raging Grannies E-vine today & I think it is something VERY worthwhile to do:
Dear Friends,
We may be closer to talking to women on the other side! I know everyone is sick of getting emails preaching to the choir, but the following suggestion is something we can actually do, that will do good. Go to the Planned Parenthood website and hit “donate.” It gives a path to donate in someone’s honor, which is where you enter Palin’s name, and address of the McCain headquarters. If you just give $5, it sends a message. Every $$ goes to either help someone or fight the anti-choice forces.
Make a donation to Planned Parenthood. In Sarah Palin’s name. And here’s the good part: when you make a donation to Planned Parenthood in her name, they’ll send her a card telling her that the donation has been made in her honor. Here’s the link to the Planned Parenthood website. Just think of her pastor in Alaska knowing that her name has been linked to Planned Parenthood. If nothing else, a donation to Planned Parenthood is always good…. Fighting the Sarah Palins of the world…. So let’s honor her.
Middle Tab on top of home page…Donate. Drop down menu, third option: “Honorary or Memorial Donations” $5.00 minimum.
You’ll need to fill in the address to let Planned Parenthood know where to send the “in Sarah Palin’s honor” card. I suggest you use the address for the McCain campaign headquarters, which is:
McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street
1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22202
Sarah Palin
c/o Republican National Committee
310 First St SW
Washington, DC 20003
:fu: Sarah Palin
XXXX OOOO from Raging Grannies everywhere :fist:
KP- I thought I’d heard them read your IM’s for the last couple of shows. Sorry I missed your “On Air”. I just podcast the MP3’s the next day.
Conan’s on 11:35pm MST.
Oooh, RG, I am so tempted to test my credit card limit just for that. It would be worth it. I got a good discussion going on the neighborhood listserve over Sheriff Fascist Bully Boy. Most seem to be against him, which is good. We see the the illegal immigrant paddy wagon in our neighborhood pretty regularly.
I missed yesterday’s show. I was only IM’ing today for the first time.
Well, I just sent in my $5 to Planned Parenthood in honor of Sarah Palin & told them to send the acknowledgement to the RNC in D.C. I wonder if the RNC will start soliciting me for $$ now!!! :billcat:
Well, time for :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: . Still recovering from Minnesota & return to :slap: :reaper: Hospital Land a/k/a Miracle Center :reaper: :slap: —
I got yelled at by a doctor yesterday because he was pissed that one his patients was transferred from the cardiac monitoring unit to the oncology unit (where I was covering) and the patient’s discharge planning had to “start all over again” and be delayed. It was an interesting interaction because there was a bit of drama involved — I was in a patient’s room with a Social Worker discussing discharge planning & he had the charge nurse come & get me & disrupt the interaction I was in the middle of so that I would go out to the nurses station & be yelled at by him because he was pissed off because the patient was transferred from another floor!!
🙄 This is the kind of stupidness that goes on every day in every hospital in this godforsaken country you should please excuse that expression. I took the wind out of his blowhard sail by telling him that I totally agreed that the process in our hospital is AFU and recommended that he take his complaints to someone who could actually do something to change it & leave me alone to do my stinking job — very diplomatically, of course. It is interesting that physicians so often choose to take their frustrations out on nurses and I am so glad that I am old enough now not to give a shit and not take anything like this personally. He was clearly out of touch with how things actually work and I just flat out told him he needed to talk to higher levels of “authority” and that yelling at me was not going to do any good or change anything.
I really had to strongly resist the urge to call him “Sonny”, too, because I am old enough to be his mother. And if I were Sarah Palin & he was my kid, his name would be Rot Pipeline Palin. So there!!! :nana: :slap:
Good for you RG. I’m learning how to be diplomatic, but it’s hard since I have a temper very similar to Marc’s. I used to kick doors open and make a big scene when I had to deal with crap like that.(see I’m trying to keep it clean, I had to delete the Sh word) :peace:
And this is the response from Planned Parenthood:
Dear RAGING Granny,
Thank you for your special tribute gift to Planned
Parenthood. If you requested an announcement, a card will be
sent to the person indicated, notifying them of your gift.
Your gift will be directed to the area of our work that you
selected, and your support will bring us closer to our
shared vision of a world where every child is wanted, where
family planning is universally understood, accessible, and
accepted, and where everyone can exercise reproductive
freedoms in health and safety.
On behalf of everyone here at Planned Parenthood, thank you
again for your support and generosity.
Cecile Richards
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
P.S. Your contribution to Planned Parenthood Federation of
America is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable
under law. IRS regulations require us to state that we did
not provide any goods or services to you in consideration of
your contribution. You may wish to print or save this
message as your receipt for tax purposes.
Payment Information:
Transaction ID: 2066xxxx
Date: September 17, 2008
Time: 10:07pm (ET)
Payment Amount: $5.00
Campaign: Support Planned Parenthood! Honorary Giving
Name: RAGING Granny
City: Syracuse
State: NY
Postal Code: 132xx
Country: US
This donation is on behalf of or in memory of:
Name: Sarah Palin
Send acknowledgements to:
Name: Sarah Palin
Address: Republican National Committee
310 First St SW
Washington, DC 20003
United States
If you would like to update your account information, please
visit your subscription management page for Planned
Parenthood Online at:
Tangle Jig here, thanks for the tip granny, my acknowledgement went to McSame for Prez. I’ll tell the marketing dep’t. at work tomorrow. They’ll love it.
# McCain-Palin: 15th Century Solutions for the 21st Century
# McCain-Palin: The Anti-Choice
# McCain-Palin: The Bridge to No Choice!
# McCain-Palin: (Supreme) Courting Disaster
# With McCain-Palin…There is NO Choice!
I’ve made it to Conan. This is really late for me. :yawn: Not to mention I’m being exposed to commercials. :blech: