Freshman arrived on campus yesterday (life becomes a major pain the ass for those who have to work in the area – which fortunately doesn’t include me anymore – from now until winter break), the NY State Fair opens in less than two hours (it’s Governor’s Day, which means throngs of people will no doubt be heading to the fairgrounds to catch a glimpse of our beloved governor; yes, the Gov came in to town last night, and we are tainted – which is kinda like being t-bagged – by his presence), and the SU football season begins a week from Saturday (great anticipation over that, though, in reality, it figures to be another long depressing season, where “success” will be measured more in terms of progress and competitiveness than in actual wins; still, as of today, we haven’t lost any games yet). In other words, the summer of 2009 is pretty much history.
Rush Limbaugh is proud of himself for predicting that Teddy Kennedy would be dead before health care reform was passed. Yeah, you’re a regular Nostrafuckindamus, Rush. Why don’t you go ahead and shove a couple KFC “Double Down” sandwiches down your throat, you loudmouthed piece of crap?
Speaking of pieces of crap, Kansas Congresscritter Lynn Jenkins says that Republicans are looking for the “great white hope.” Of course, she certainly didn’t mean that in a “racial” sorta way. Where’s Gerry Cooney these days?
It really pisses me off to read Harry Reid praising Ted Kennedy, because Reid is such a spineless fuck. Words are great, Harry, but how about you honor Teddy by standing up to the corrupt, insurance-industry funded “blue dogs” and the obstructionist Republicans, and ram real reform though the Senate?
Well, I guess it’s time to quit lying in repose on the futon, and get ready to seize the day. Or at least get it the hell over with.
Senator Kennedy lived a full life. He took responsibility for his mistakes, which is all a person can do, really. If we were perfect, we wouldn’t be on this ole planet, I’d imagine. I’ll greatly miss his eloquence.
Thought that football player you mentioned the other day, pj, might have been a Syracuse person when I saw the orange on his uniform.
We live just a few blocks from the stadium. Game daze should be interesting. Mr. FK’s office overlooks their practice field – he feels quite privileged. Or course, where I went to school, this type of thing just didn’t exist. We did have ultimate frisbee though!
The way these worthless politicians (and they aren’t all worthless; just most of them) praise Kennedy reminds me of the way the worthless traditional media talking heads (and they aren’t all worthless; just most of them) praised Walter Cronkite.
“I admired him for being the exact opposite of what I am.”
OKat, are you a Banana Slug? Maybe I knew that but I don’t remember. I do think NC Blue may have done time at UCSC. I bet Mr. Fk could parlay that office view into some cash if he wanted. Then again, maybe all of his access to the intertubes may be jammed.
I sorta watched some of the Kennedy coverage on the ‘nets on MSNBC and listened to some on NPR and PBS, some pretty good and a lot annoying. Of course Tweety (I even have my Tweety fan friend calling him that now) is the MSNBC go-to guy on EMK since he has a new documentary on the Kennedy brothers that just happened to be ready to roll yesterday. Timing is everything just like Hatch and McCain weighing in on Teddy Sunday so they could attack the Dems for partisanship, something the repugs would know nothing about. There was heard a lot of hand wringing about the lack of civility and comity in politics today, the inference being that those bad Dems can’t play nice with the poor repugs. Not much said about the right wing spew and hatred Teddy withstood for years that was later further applied to the Clintons and Pelosi and is reaching a crescendo with last “Kennedy brother” O’Bama.
Some good face time for Bostonians and Imus pals Barnicle Mike the plagiarist and Doris Kearns Goodwin who was sorta attribution challenged herself in her book on the Kennedys. Nice to see Tom Oliphant again. I guess he is over the Imus firing and back on TV although I can’t swear I heard him on MSNBC yesterday. I thought he was pretty good when he paired up with Katherine Lanpher to sub on Air America.
Any talk show with phone-ins had the obligatory a**holes calling in about Chappaquidick. I refuse to look at any of the hate in the blogospere.
This morning even Cokie weighed in on NPR since Ted’s wife is also from Louisiana and her father was one of the few other Louisiana Dems including the Cokester’s dad Hale Boggs who supported JFK in ’60. She didn’t go into the NOLa connections to the first Kennedy assassination or the mysterious disappearance of her Warren Commisioner pop
There was also a pretty good dust up on the Morning
SEdition betcha! {insert banana slug emo}
although mr fk would love to make the extra $$, I fear he is more loyal to his beloved sooners than his wifey-poo! (just kiddin!)
P.S. I’m so sick of these thugs spouting their crap on health care, I could just :barf: And then they talk about how great it was working with Kennedy all the while they capitalized on demonizing the good Senator. None better than the mass mailing king, richard viguerie. ; double :barf:
I better get the lead out and bring home the vegetarian bacon….. :bee:
:banana: I think I should have remembered that from some SF Giants discussions in the past.
I heard a bit of that on my five minute commute this morning. Steve Inskeep got a bit testy with Bozo the GOP Chairman, who rather unashamedly talks out of both sides of his ass.
God Bless America
I met some folks from Canada, today. The hubby said that he purchased insurance on top of his Canadian insurance. He though it was terrible that it cost him almost $300. a year.
I also got to watch a lovely blue heron, close up, as s/he fished.
Oh, Canada!
You know, when Hillary lost the nomination I hoped she would go back to the Senate and take up the mantle of Ted Kennedy.