Here we are, preparing to end 2005 without Morning Sedition. How f*cked up is that? I think I’ll break out my vintage December 30, 2004 episode.
Riley was on vacation in England, so Marc was on his own (a much different experience than having it the other way around). The main topic then was the tsunami, of course, (at this point, the estimated death toll was 100,000, and I remember it just kept growing – astoundingly, mind numbingly – every day) , but there were also tornadoes in LA & Sedona, AZ. The Bush administration (at first pledging a paltry $15 million in aid – the same amount as his upcoming re-inauguration parties – and then being shamed into upping it to a still insulting $35 million) was pissed at Bill Clinton for acting like a human being in the face of the deaths in Asia. Bill was in London at the time, and spoke in a way this president will never be able to – from the heart – about the tragedy, upstaging the mostly silent, ever-vacationing dubya.
Back at the end of 2004, there were “only” 1,300 US Deaths in Iraq. We’ve added, what, almost another 900 this year? And we ship them home as cargo on commercial airliners. Let’s hope at the end of 2006 our people are back home, and whole, where they ought to be.
Mornin’ pj, and to everyone else….evening to my brethren overseas. I won’t be blogging too much today. I went in and downloaded all the MS shows from the archive and I’m gonna do some of my own editing as well……Seditionists Unite!! :fire:
Good pic to listen to pj! I might do the same after editing….:nod:
Hello Wanderers, jason, pj.
pj- Last night that was the clip I had on Marc and wasn’t the wrestler on with him? Foley?
My bad. The wrestler was on earlier in the week. I listed to a few shows. 😳
Happy belated Birthday Kong….I just wanted you to see this…:cake:
TaaaaaDaaaaah! ….and curtain…:fire:
Mornin’, all.
PJ, thanks for the reminder of where we were a year ago. As bad as things were, at least we had MS!
Won’t be blogging too much either over the next day and a half or so (making a superquick trip to Albany) but wanted to check in and wish everyone a Happy New Year filled with Marc Maron on the airwaves.
Peace out, my brothers.:peace:
hey everyone.
i would imagine everyone knows this already but i don’t remember seeing it in any of the threads. just in case you haven’t seen it already, the video clip of marc on comedy central (from 2 weeks ago or so) can be found at:“>
Good morning all.
Tom, thanks for the clip. Maron in bits and pieces is better than nothing. At least for now.
tom e- Just watched the clip! Good to see Marc.
Jason- thanks for the cake! Everyone, have a piece! :cake:
I believe we as American Citizens will be tested in the coming year over our willingness to stand up and fight for our democracy. I believe that means we must demand that George W. Bush be impeached.
Following are some sobering words from Molly Ivins, excerpted from her December 28, 2005 column. There is a link for Ms. Ivins on the front page of, under the heading “Columnists”.
“The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. Thirty-five years ago, Richard Milhous Nixon, who was crazy as a bullbat, and J. Edgar Hoover, who wore women’s underwear, decided some Americans had unacceptable political opinions. So they set our government to spying on its own citizens, basically, those who were deemed insufficiently like Crazy Richard Milhouse……”
“….There is neither grandeur nor tragedy in watching this president, the Testy Kid, violate his oath to uphold the laws and Constitution of our country…”
“This could scarcely be clearer. EITHER THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS GOING TO HAVE TO UNDERSTAND AND ADMIT HE HAS DONE SOMETHING VERY WRONG OR HE WILL HAVE TO BE IMPEACHED. The first time this happened, the institutional response was magnificent. The courts, the press, the Congress all functioned superbly. Anyone think we’re up to that again? Then whom do we blame when we lose the republic?”
On the penultimate day of the year, some advice:
When I couldn’t sleep last night I ran the archive of Riley’s morning “ramp” of the 23d. Fell asleep within minutes!
“A United Coalition of Blogs for the Impeachment of George W. Bush”
isi, thanks for the Ivins article. He will never understand he’s done something wrong. Everything he’s done, in his mind, has been very right, to his way and his friends’ way of thinking. Why can’t he ever admit to a mistake? Because he’s done everything a NeoCon would, and it’s worked better than Leo Strauss could have imagined.
I’ll go along with the idea that the Rethugs don’t think they are doing anything wrong. They are out to destroy our form of government and are doing quite well at it. Impeaching just Bush or even Bush and Cheney will do very little to rectify the problem. There entire ideology is wrong and what ever happens in 2006 should be directed to destroy the rethugs as a party and to keep it from ever reoccurring.
Phoener- your Leo Strauss reference sent me to wikipedia. I need to learn more.
Morning Niki. Have you had some cake?
Strauss taught that individual liberties are antithetical to society’s good. He also said the reason the Nazis came to power was because Germany was so lenient and liberal, which is why the Repugs get so bent whenever somebody calls them Nazis. I think Strauss got it backasswards: the Nazis came in because German society wasn’t vigilant enough.
We’re just tryin’ to be vigilant, is all. And if it takes a little (Morning) Sedition to keep our liberties intact, sobeit.
If Riley continues along in the same vane as this week he will be causing a lot of truckers to fall asleep
KK, if you listen to what the GOPhers say with a little Strauss reverb, it all makes sense. In their own little twisted minds, it makes sense. And it’s scary as hell.
Goliath kind of reminds me of Christie on the Stern show. Slow-talking.
Need to touch up a few paintings for a show.:omg:
On a lighter note: What is the music that MS used as a theme? I’m sure my kids could identify it, but they are never around to hear it.
:omg: You’re right. Thanks again. Looking at Strauss, hopefully, can help me find what I can to argue with my Bush-loving brother-in-law.
The opening music is from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, called … ❓ 😳
Kong, it’ll give you a foot up…his ass, hopefully.
I thought it was them, but I can’t find a song that goes with it. 😕
Yeah, I hope so. The song is .. Can’t Stop.
Was trying to listen to Riley for the past two weeks but always was giving up and getting to other things. Riley cant complain that I never gave him a fair chance. One way to reduce accidents in the morning would be to move Riley to the midnight slot. Insomnia will be cured for sure :rofl2:
Had to switch to the Planet Bush collection for the classic Lawton Small 😆
Good Morning. Chili Peppers, Don’t Stop. Everytime I hear it on the radio, my brain automatically goes “Good Morning Philosopher Kings and Queens…..” I think that needs to be an alarm. Is there such a thing as an alarm pod?
Krista- last Saturday I was eating at a restaurant with some friends, and it came on. After snaping my fingers and whoo-ing, I realized it was NOT the show and had some explaining to do. That led to the first bootleg CD I started passing around.
Krista, have some cake.
Mmmm cake! I get the eyes!:cake:
I don’t think I’ll ever hear it without “hearing” Howard Dean scream. :omg:
Thank you King Kong and Kristapea!
Sheesh! There’s a friggin’ Fox News helicopter hovering over my house. Are they allowed to make that much noise this early in the morning?:rant1:
It’s Homer’s screem! :rofl2:
Marc and Brendon had that screem out one day. :omg:
Marc may have a new show, but no Wayne Gillman 🙁 no Mark Riley :(:(
That isn’t Howard Dean’s scream, it’s Homer Simpson. Hey. Didn’t we already have this debate?
I guess the helicopter is covering a shooting that happened in my neighborhood. The shooter is still loose.:eek:It’s easy to hide in my neighborhood
there are so many things i see and hear during any given day that bring my thoughts back to morning sedition. the most recent (a couple of hours ago) being a recipe for chedder cheese cauliflower soup that called for – you guessed it – 1 cup of chopped onions.
on a somewhat unrelated note – thanks pj for the heads up yesterday on the additions to the AAP archive .
Hope you stay safe.
What makes your neighbourhood easy to hide in?
iSight was a Birthday present from my sister. Arrived today! Thanks Lynn.
Lots of mature trees and overgrown yards and alleys. I should be okay. Jane will let me know if anyone comes into the yard.
In fact, I am surrounded by yappy dogs. Yesterday they were going crazy for a good hour while the meter man was checking all the meters.
As long as you’re safe.
Save progressive radio in Arizona. You may want to move here someday.
:fire: Have a happy new year!
For those of you who don’t frequent the forums, I thought I’d pass this along from one of the folks over there. He goes by the nick Godless US Soldier (his name’s Dave), and he’s currently over in Iraq (he’s been around, including tours in Afghanistan, Kuwait in February 03 and entering “Iraq on a Ground Assault Convoy a few days after the first wave went in. I ended up in Mosul for most of our time there….” Then he was redeployed and “entered Iraq again in a CH-47 Chinook as a member of our unit’s Downed Aircraft Recovery Team on 2 November, and here I am at ‘Camp Candyland'”).
His blog is linked over there on the right, “An Atheist Soldier.”
Anyhow, some folks were asking what they could do for him, and he says he’s very well set up, but:
So if you have the time to write a few letters, or want to send something to these folks, I’m sure they’d appreciate it.
Homer???? Shit. There goes the mystique. But gives it a different one. :doh:
Gotta split. My day off is full of errands.
God Loves You. Deal with it.
Been on vacation all week, so I haven’t subjected myself to Riley solo.
Firetruck, baby!
A friend sent me these representatives names in an effort to support them as environmentally friendly. I think we need to ignore the D and R in front of peoples names and focus on their actions. I support some of John McCains actions. He’s not all bad. But whether I want him for president or not, that’s another story. Anyways, take a moment to remember the names of those who are environmentally friendly.
Roscoe Bartlett R-Maryland
Wayne Gilchrest R-Maryland
Gil Gutnecht R-Minnesota
Peter Hoekstra R-Michigan
Sherwood Boehlert R-New York
Vernon Ehlers R-Michigan
Good Morning Philosopher Kings and Queens…..
Enjoyed reading your blog intro today, pj. Just here for my daily drive-by via dial-up :doh:
May 2006 bring us all our Maron/Earl et al fix.
Roscoe Bartlett R-Maryland
Wayne Gilchrest R-Maryland
Those two congressmen have actually done more than the Dems to alert the country to our over-reliance on fossil fuels and, with Bartlett in particular, to warn us of a global peak in oil production. Roscoe has held many congressional meetings on this topic in the past year.
I talk about energy topics pretty much exclusively on my blog, with the occasional foray into radio matters.
Sheesh! everybodies got a blog! I’m starting to feel left out.
Thanks for a little bit of a view of those guys. As I try to find the people who are not afraid to tell the truth and not afraid to stand up for these things that are so important to the environment, I try to associate their acts with their names and hopefully, one day will have a good list of people I feel good about supporting.
I listened to some of the year-end comedy bits from the Springer show today and all I can say is not on the Marc by a long shot. Pretty much all Springer ever did was play the song parody, which IMO is the lazy way out. And Springer never any live ensemble work and instead farmed it out to a two-man comedy writing team who pre-recorded all the bits. I remember Maron saying how much he hated the song parody format, which I totally agree with. What a stale conventional way to approach comedy. It’s no wonder that one of Springer’s writers name is “Don Goldberg”
I started my blog about a month after AAR started and have linked to Air America shows many times because it is the only broadcast medium willing to give an ear to alternative energy and environmentalist views.
Boehlert’s in the next district to me – the NY 24th (actually, it’s kind of a “J” shaped district that wraps around me, West, South, and East. He rates very well (particulary for a Republican, but in this part of the world, you need to be pro-environment, since hunting, fishing, camping, etc., are big tourist draws, and manufacturing jobs are all but gone) on environmental issues. Parts of his district are in the Adirondack mountains, which are literally being destroyed by acid rain from the smokestacks in the midwest. He also seems to be good on women’s rights issues, but again, this area is the cradle of women’s suffrage. He’s the House Science Committee chairman, so he presumably believes in science.
He’s a lot better than my congressman, to be sure, but he’s still a reliable vote for the administration when they need it (as with a lot of “moderate” republicans, they let him vote his own way if the vote’s locked up, but when they need him, he’s there). There’s been some specualtion as to whether he’s going to run again (looks like he will, but no formal announcement yet), and it appears at least four Democrats are looking to challenge him.
There’s also a challenge from within the party, with somebody looking to run as a “conservative alternative.”
Best thing about Sherry Boehlert? The freepers seem to hate him:
It’s amazing, the way these people really have a grasp on the issues, isn’t it?
Ehlers has a physics PhD from UC Berkeley and he along with your neighbor Boehlert do quite a bit for science and basic research. It makes you wonder how they could be Rethuglicans.
Mike Malloy is on live right now subbing for Randi.
That isn’t Howard Dean’s scream, it’s Homer Simpson. Hey. Didn’t we already have this debate?
I guess the helicopter is covering a shooting that happened in my neighborhood. The shooter is still loose. It’s easy to hide in my neighborhood
Comment by Kristapea — December 30, 2005 @ 9:29 am
Yes, we’ve already had this debate. I had it wrong that time. 🙁
Krista, did they find your shooter yet?
I don’t know if they found the gunman. I guess I’ll have to watch the evening news to find out.
OK. I’m thinking that if he was anywhere around your place, the dogs would have gone off.
I get helicopters around my place a lot. I’m about halfway between an airport and a major bridge across Tampa Bay, so it probably has something to do with that, although it still makes me paranoid when they fly low.
The paintings are in place.:nixon:
Circulate the Sedition bootlegs.:jesus:
Good news! It looks like Abramoff is going to sing for us to celebrate the new year. Check it out!!
Excellent. I hope he takes a lot of people down.
Sing, Bastard, sing!:nixon:
Hello everybody. Out here.:jesus:
Pass around the sedition bootlegs.:nixon:
Good night :sheep::sheep::sheep:le,
Here’s to a better next year!