I put in some tractor time yesterday, and it was nice to be out there when it wasn’t horribly cold out. Of course, it was kind of windy and rainy, but the temperatures were up in the 40s, which is doing pretty good this time of year. It was in the 40s when I got up this morning, even, but it’s down to 38° right now, and the rain is supposed to turn to snow. Six to twelve inches of snow, with “locally heavier amounts,” which means I guess it’s a good thing I moved the snow piles around and uncovered the parts of the driveway I haven’t seen in a while. Now, at least, I have someplace to push more snow when it arrives. Otherwise, I got a jump on my chores this morning, having cleaned the pellet stove, restocked the fireplace nook with a week’s worth of pellets, and am 2/3 of the way done with my laundry. If only I could get somebody to go and fetch me some plywood, I’d get a start on a few other projects I have in mind while I wait for the snow to start. I guess I’ll just have to sit by the fire instead.
:joe: Hmmm, wonder what those “basic principles” are, exactly…. death penalty, unbridled pollution, slave wages, vigilante justice, corruption, visions of Mad Max? Ciao Texas!
Maybe you’ve seen this already butt boobs has 2 O’s so let’s look again. :boobs:
Love the tractor emo! :kub: :kub: :kub:
Happy Bobble Day!
I need this July 2nd giveaway in Cincy.
re: #2 @ :boobs:
Works for me :nod:
:boobs: :love: :dancers: :blues:
Trying to stay on topic.
Oh, Good Grief
It figures that the Krazy Krauts would think up a dumb :boobs: “study”
Ach, Du Lieber!! :doh: :dancers:
Famed NASA astrobiologist, Dr. Richard Hoover, has been hunting meteorites and extremeophiles in the frigid Antarctic for over 10 years. To the amazement of all, what this treasure hunt has uncovered is alien life: Fossils of ancient bacteria which hailed from colonies which thrived on comets, moons, and other planets.
In a world-wide exclusive, this startling, paradigm busting research, and the pictures to back up these claims, has been published in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology.
Using the most advanced micro-scanning technology in the world, Dr. Hoover fractured fresh slices of the interior of these meteorites, and discovered the remains of several species of cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae. Blue-green algae have a unique quality, they thrive even under the harshest of conditions.
Obama Over The Rainbow