When I got home yesterday, I found a letter from President Obama. I’m not even sure how he found me. I mean, I didn’t send him my forwarding address or anything (but then, I guess he has his ways). His note to me said that, when he took office, he promised to keep the lines of communications open, and to prove it he had his hand out for money. Sorry, but I don’t have any money for you Mr. President. This whole line of communication thing seems to be one-sided. I say, “do what you said (or at least implied) you’d do when you were campaigning,” and you say, “fuck you, librul. Whattya gonna do, vote for Romney?” And then you drink Bud Lite. That’s no way to get me to open my wallet.
Speaking of the President, not that I watched him last night, but I guess he declared that “we have stopped Qaddafi’s deadly advance.” Sounds like Qaddafi made a pass at us or something. I’m really not in favor of all this, to be honest (not that I particularly approve of Libya oppressing and killing its own people, but unless you’re prepared to go after everybody – including your “allies” and the State of Wisconsin, which desperately needs regime change – I think you ought to stay out of shit like this), but at least he so far appears to be doing it in what I would consider to be a “smart” way – by getting cover from the UN, approval (for now) from the Arab League and other stakeholders in the region, and letting some other countries pay for some of this.
And while I’m not surprised by the Republican hypocrisy, I have to admit I’m kind of stunned at the depth and breadth of it – and the way they’re able to say the opposite today of what they said yesterday without missing a beat, and by and large get away with it by the media, lest they – the media, that is – be called “liberal.”
At this point, the only person who has the right to bitch about this is Dennis Kucinich. He called bullshit on Bush, and he’s calling bullshit on Obama. Agree with him or not, at least he’s consistent.
You’ve probably heard that the Supreme Court is taking up a class action gender discrimination lawsuit brought by women (lots and lots of women) against WalMart. Specifically, whether that suit can continue (as lower courts have ruled). Wally World’s argument seems to be that too many women are involved (so if you discriminate on a huge scale, you should be able to do as you please, I guess).
I think the suit is doomed, personally. I mean, first off, it could cost WalMart money, and that would be bad for business (for them, specifically, for businesses in general, as it would set a bad precedent, and of course for consumers, as this would cause higher prices). Second, it would be bad for women who want to work for WalMart. If WalMart has to pay them as much as they do men, then why would they hire women?
Like, duh.
And, anyhow, this is no place for the courts. The all-knowing, all-seeing, never-wrong Market will take care of everything. Companies that hire and pay fair wages to all employees regardless of race, creed, or gender will either be more profitable, or they won’t. Or something. I dunno – ask Rand Paul, he’ll explain it to you.
So, it’s still colder than hell out. Unlike Denver, there’s no spring in sight for us (and, by the way, spring is not 75° – that’s summer. Spring is 45°, and we would like some, please). Yesterday was at least sunny, and the sun and the wind combined to make some snow disappear. That’s a lot better than pouring rain, and, as of last night, my sump pump was down to 13:39 between pump downs. So, from 12 times an hour to less than 4.5.
That reminds me, I’d better go and do my morning building rounds, and make sure everything is still functioning properly.
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go. But, lately I’m thinking about retiring.
Read the following:
“I have two grandchildren: Maggie is 11; Robert is 9,” Gingrich said at Cornerstone Church here. “I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they’re my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American.”
Newt believes the US will be dominated by
A) Atheists
B) Islamists
C) Atheists who are religious fanatics
D) His grandchildren
The judge in Wisconsin has reiterated that his order prevents the anti-union law from being put into effect. None the less. Walker has started to deduct the pension costs from employees and refusing to collect union dues. He added:
“Now that I’ve made my earlier order as clear as it possibly can be, I must state that those who act in open and willful defiance of the court order place not only themselves at peril of sanctions, they also jeopardize the financial and the governmental stability of the state of Wisconsin,” [Judge] Sumi said.