OK, so maybe this will have to become “Afternoon Seditionists,” at least until it either starts getting light out earlier, or I can trust the little monsters to go out on their own and not become coyote breakfast. Last night was a bit of a bummer, as I was awakened at 10:30 or so, and never did really get back to sleep (though I did have one interesting waking dream that involved my office being in kind of a hospital ward where my long-dead godmother was a patient, and I had my dogs there, my sister’s dogs there, and one fuzzy little brown kitty). So today is dragging pretty slowly here.
Arrived home to find my HW Heat circ pump not working. This kind of sucks, though it’s not too terrible, given the fact I have 2 pellet stoves and it’s not super-duper cold out. I could pull it apart and determine if it’s the motor or the bearing assembly, but I figured I’d order the whole set, and then look at rebuilding whatever’s wrong with it so I have a spare on the shelf. Buying one locally was gonna cost me $337.50, so I ordered one for $256 (plus $18 shipping). Good thing I’m made of money.
The place I’m getting it from is on Long Island, and they said they ship the same day, so hopefully UPS will get it here Friday. If not, I guess we’ll just have to deal with it.
Oh well, back to work.