Poor Rick Sanatorium. What was once a frothing campaign has ended, not with a powerful ejaculation, but with a pathetic little dribble. Loser. He should have stayed in longer and made Mitt spend some more money on attack ads in PA. Oh well. Once again, NY doesn’t get a say in anything. Not that I’d be voting in a Republican primary, of course. But still.
Hey, how’s this for a blast from the past: FL congresscuckoo Allen West says he’s “heard†that up to 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party. Not sure if he just watched “J. Edgar” on Netflix or what.
Besides being delusional, West is also just a wee bit megalomaniacal, having told a crowd of his supporters that he wanted to debate Obama, bit he can’t ‘cuz Obama is scared of him. Yeah. ‘Cuz you’re always seeing sitting Presidents going out and debating obscure, insane, pissant Congressmen. Unless they’re afraid, of course.
Are you a lonely and pathetic adolescent (emotionally, anyway) male (or female, I suppose)? Well, then here’s something right up your alley: BateFlix.
…BateFlix is setting out to locate the best nudity available on Netflix.
The recommendation engine allows users to search the Netflix database for movies containing nudity, sex scenes, masturbation and more.
So, let me get this straight, you have the Internet, and want to look at “nudity, sex scenes, masturbation and more” (there’s more?), so you use your Internet connection to go and find movies containing that sort of thing on NetFlix? Um. I’m pretty sure you can do better than that, and then you won’t have to sit through all the boring stuff to catch a glimpse of a boobie.
Hard to believe this is only Wednesday. That’s pretty depressing. Feels like it ought to be at least Thursday.
Interesting that his number of ‘commies’ is roughly the same as the cadre of ingornut teabagging repug freshmen that were elected to the HoR in 2010. I posted this link to the source story on the FB earlier this morning.
I guess his next move will be to wave a piece of paper and say I have their names right here.
Too bad Weiner is gone. He’d be the guy asking
“Have you no shame sir?!”
Followed by
“The gentleman Will sit down!
The gentleman has sat down!” :spank:
Grayson would be good for that, too. Hopefully he’ll be back in FL’s Congressional delegation after the next election.
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) on Wednesday tore into Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) for saying that members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are communists.
“Not even Joe McCarthy would have said anything so stupid and dissociated from reality,” Frank said in a call with The Huffington Post. “It’s an indication of the significant deterioration of the Republican Party as a responsible entity that an ignorant, mean guy like Allen West is considered one of their stars.”
Men know more about the failures of Obama than other people and the general public.
What could go wrong?! :billcat: :omg:
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