Thursday is kind of a bi-polar day. It isn’t Friday, but it’s close enough to Friday that you can see light at the end of the tunnel, and that feels good. But then you start thinking about Friday, and it starts to feel like Friday, and then you realize that it’s only Thursday, and then you get all pissed off and depressed and shit. Still, it’s a lot better than Monday.
So, John Edwards is officially off the hook, as the DOJ officially said they’d leave him alone now. It was a bullshit case from the beginning (not to defend Johnny, who is clearly not exactly the guy we all – or, I all, anyway, thought he was). But at least now I can quit having to hear about it all the time. Funny how Republicans never seem to get prosecuted for the same thing.
Another reason to love “Game of Thrones”.
Is Lance Armstrong a doper or what? And if so, why should I care (I mean, it’s not like he’s Roger Clemens)? Despite never having failed a drug test and the DOJ dropping their investigation into things, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency says Lance is a bad, bad, boy. Sounds like they’re just trying to appease the French to me.
I guess everybody’s heard about the mass layoffs at several newspapers by the Newhouse Corporation – including, as Vernon pointed out to me the other day, the New Orleans Times-Picayune. It’s interesting to note that “picayune” when used as an adjective means petty or worthless (which is maybe not a good thing to refer to yourself as when you’re trying to stay in business), though I assume it refers to the word for a Spanish coin that was worth about a nickel, which I’m guessing is what the paper cost back when the paper started in 1837. Ah, those were the days.
The TP is going to go to a three-day paper and shift more toward, their on-line version. This kinda sucks if you are too poor to have Internet access (and I believe I read somewhere that there are one or two poor folks down that way).
Then again, I have to admit I haven’t purchased a newspaper in quite a long time. The local newspaper seems to be mostly ads, and is a little on the lame side anyway, and I can get a wealth of information online (and not have to get rid of the paper when I’m done with it). Plus, it doesn’t cost a nickel anymore.
The other thing is that I’m pretty turned off by the news these days. I can’t much stomach the political stuff, and I don’t really want to read about the cannibal killer trend (just, please, stay away from where I live). They seem to be blaming everything on “bath salts.”
Why not just legalize pot? I never saw anybody who was stoned attack somebody and try to eat their face off. Hell, I never met a stoner with enough ambition to do more than eat a bag of Doritos (damn sharp corners on those things, especially when you’re trying to force-feed them down your throat).
Oh well, time to get this damn not-Friday over with.
It has been gray and gloomy all day but NO RAIN! Now there is sun on the grass which is a most welcome sight.
As for newspapers, I have been thinking about an online subscription to the Times. On the plus side it would allow me to get the paper when we travel. But, I love the physical newspaper that I can take with me into a waiting room or a bench in the park and read or do the crossword. So far I have opted to spend $2.50 a day to read it. It would be cheaper to get it online. It would also be cheaper to get home delivery but that would require being in the same place to receive it all the time. Eventually, I will probably get it online. Just not today.
Well, as for Game of Thrones, it’s not my cup of tea what with all the blood, guts, slash, splat, eviscerate, disgusting exploitation & rape of women — if there’s a story there, I’m sorry, I’m really distracted by all the horror of the other stuff because it just turns me off. Maybe I have been through too much of it in past lifetimes to be able to appreciate it as “art” and I have been up to my elbows in blood & guts this time around and hated it & the injustice that comes with it. That kind of drama is just not “entertainment” for me.
PJ told me it was like “Lord of the Rings”, which I found very stressful to view, but really liked because it has a powerful and understandable story and had all the wonderful nature spirits and Gandalf and Hobbits, etc. as part of the story and there was a message of hope.
Game of Thrones just struck me as all violence, all darkness, all the time and I cannot watch blood, guts and rape for an hour at a time and think anything but it is fear porn and it’s taking way too long to tell a story if there is one. Or, the other thing that occurred to me is that it is actually the story of Western Civilization and the building of Empires — in which case I know I’ve been there, done that & don’t need to get the PTSD riled up again.
However, I may need to rethink all of that what with the GW head-on-a-spike thing — but Dick Cheney’s head on a spike woulda been WAAAY better.
Count Dracula did that — I think Dick Cheney is Dracula — Cheney got a new heart from someone he probably killed for it — maybe Dracula’s — somebody should put a wooden spike through it! He’s an 👿 SOB.
But don’t make me watch it.
Actually, I said it was like The Tudors combined with LOTR. And the women (and the Dwarf) are the strongest characters in the show, but you only watched it one time, so you never saw how things developed. But whatever. I certainly won’t force you to watch it. If you ever figure out how to work the teevee, you can watch whatever you want.
My mother was from Tennessee and West Virginia and probably didn’t get much more education than high school and professional school. I suspect she always felt a little uneasy that she was married to someone who graduated from law school. I remember in her repertoire of expressions was ‘picky-yuny’ and I never knew what that was all about. She also used to say she was just ‘pilfering around’ when she was doodling about until one day she got a chilly reaction at some store when they asked if they could help her and that was her response. She looked it up in a dictionary and was a little taken aback. Same thing when she and dad came out here and she looked up calamari and abalone when they got back to VA.
Now the Times-Picayune has a special place in my heart since NOLa is pretty much my second home. In NOLa, my erratic hours triple down and the T-P intertwines, be it there if I am rolling in after a very late night or waking up before anyone else around dawn. Sometimes it would just be on the kitchen table unopened after being collecting by another late straggler trying to beat the sunrise home.Often it would be waterlogged from a deluge or just the damn humidity. And being down there it meant I was away and could spend quality time with the paper, even if they didn’t always have the late scores that I wanted.
I hope that they work out something but it looks like the shape of things to come.