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Morning Seditionists

Black Sunday

Posted by pjsauter on January 6, 2013
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Sad news today, as it appears that our football head coach – the SU alum who said every move he ever made in his coaching career was a step along the way to getting his “dream job” of Syracuse head coach – is reportedly taking the head coaching job with the Buffalo Bills. One cannot help but feel betrayed. Plus, Buffalo? My god, am I supposed to be a Bills fan now? That will be tough. Of course, beyond the betrayal is the fact that this comes during peak recruiting season for college football, and it’ll be hard to find and hire a quality coach in such a short time (not to mention we don’t know what assistants, if any, will get poached from the program). I won’t belabor the point, but suffice it to say, this sucks.

As if that wasn’t depressing enough, my week off is over and I have to go back to work tomorrow. This is, basically, horrible. Not that I did anything outrageously fun over this past week, but it was nice to be home with the dogs. I really wish I could work from home (which, of course, I could, if the head of IT wasn’t totally clueless when it come to IT). But, sadly, no.

Oh well, time to get ready for my trip to Pixley to get vittles, and then a fun day of doing laundry and trying not to think about sitting in my windowless office all day tomorrow.


Posted by pjsauter on January 2, 2013
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Yesterday was officially payday for me, and thanks to direct deposit I saw that the 2% hike in the payroll tax is already in effect (it’s a shame payday couldn’t have been on 12/31). So if you’re making $110,100 a year in salary, you’ll be paying $2,202 more a year. And if you’re making $500,000 a year, you’ll be paying $2,202 more a year (or about .04% more). And if you’re making all your money in capital gains or investments, you’ll be paying $0 more. Seems fair, doesn’t it?

Republicans are now saying that they’ve “taken care” of the revenue side of things, and now it’s time to cut spending (in fact, according to the CBO, rather than cut the deficit, this bill will add $4 trillion in debt over the next 10 years). So we’ll see what they come up with to cut. I doubt it’ll be military spending, and there’s really not a whole lot left to cut after that. Except for Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security, of course. Medicare and Medicaid account for about 23% of the budget, Social Security 20%, and Defense is about 19%. Assuming we’ll never seem them raise the cap on the payroll tax (which would be a pretty easy fix for Social Security, in my opinion), I don’t see them doing anything more than making deep cuts. Whether that means cutting benefits, raising the eligibility age, or both, we’ll have to see. Medicaid will probably get big cuts, because nobody cares what poor people think (and it just makes things harder for the non-profit hospitals that have no choice but to treat the indigent and swallow the costs).

Oh well, I guess we’ll see what happens.

Happy New Year!

Posted by pjsauter on January 1, 2013
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Happy New Year everybody. I hope you survived unscathed. I actually managed to watch the ball drop at midnight, but I had to go lay down for an hour or two first. Then it was watch the countdown (just not the same w/o Dick Clark) and straight to bed. Funny thing is, despite having gotten up at about 3:30 yesterday morning and being terribly tired, I couldn’t sleep. The one time I sort of drifted off at about 4:45 this morning, the dog woke me up to go out. So I’m pretty beat today, and feeling kinda crappy (mostly due to eating pizza and wings for the first time in longer than I can remember – I just can’t tolerate that stuff anymore, which sucks ‘cuz I sure do love those wings). And today, it’s snowing. How unusual.

Otherwise, it appears that the Senate overwhelmingly passed what appears to be a “fiscal cliff” deal that is slightly less than shitty in the short term and potentially very, very shitty in the long term. Like, in about two months as they go through this whole debt limit nonsense again. And Obama has pretty much pissed any leverage he might have had away. The Republicans can always count on Obama caving in. Well, maybe Boehner won’t bring it up for a vote in the House.

Oh well, enjoy the day off today (of you’re off – if not, bummer). Looks like I’ll be plowing the driveway.

New Year’s Eve

Posted by pjsauter on December 31, 2012
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When you think about it, the phrase “New Year’s Eve” is fairly hopeful. I mean, they could call today, “Old Year’s Death” or something. The last day of 2012 is starting out with blue skies and sunshine here (though they say it’ll end with snow). Looking out my window, I can see the snow in my front lawn is more than half way up the 4 foot dog fence, and the pile where I push the snow by the garage is taller than I am (not that that’s much of a feat). In fact, it’s almost as high as the garage roof. I’m starting have trouble figuring out where to put it, and I’m thinking I might not see the inside of my poor, buried van until spring. Still, it’s all quite pretty.

The big story of the morning seems to be whether or not there’ll be some agreement on this whole pecuniary precipice thing (or, as the Crappington Post headline reads, “WHITE HOUSE READY TO CAVE?“). It looks like if there really is, a deal, it won’t actually reduce the deficit at all, which kinda makes you wonder what the hell all this nonsense was about, except it’ll mean my taxes will only go up 2% instead of about 5%. As a state worker in these times when being a public employee is considered about one step above child molester, it’s not likely I’ll be seeing a raise anytime soon, so that 2% jump is going to be gone for a long time. Could be worse, of course, so I won’t complain (much).

Not that I actually expect there to be a deal today, but I guess you never know.

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a safe and happy old year’s death tonight, and, as always, we’ll hope that 2013 is a better year than this one was. The world didn’t end in 2012 (not yet anyway), so that could be a hard one to beat. But there are supposed to be two visits by comets this year, including one toward the end of the year that may be brighter than the moon. Unless it melts going around the sun. So that should be pretty cool. And, hey, maybe the economy will get better and there’ll be more jobs by this time next year. And the way climate change is going, we should have some really neat hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, monsoons, and blizzards to talk about.

Should be fun.

Oh well, back to the Twilight Zone Marathon.

Happy New Year! :alc:


Posted by pjsauter on December 29, 2012
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Another day, another 6-10″ of snow. So far, we’ve gotten about 29″, which is nine inches shy of our average at this point, but well above last year’s wonderful winter amount of 2.2″. Ah, 2011. Those were the days. As we approach the pecuniary precipice, there is some good news. If you’re a federal employee, anyway.

Their two-year pay freeze is coming to an end, thanks to an executive order signed by President Obama. That means Congress gets a pay raise, and by golly they deserve it for all the work they do (despite being the least productive Congress since the 1940s).

So good for them.

I’m not looking forward to my taxes going up next week, so it would be nice if they’d earn their raises and actually, you know, do something. It’d be kind of nice if they’d restore that payroll tax cut, too. It’s going to cut into the dog food money, and we don’t have enough cats to supplement their diet. They’ll have to start eating pine cones or something.

Oh well, time to go see how much snow’s in the driveway.


Posted by pjsauter on December 27, 2012
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As expected, we got a little snow last night (and this morning – it’s starting to peter out, but it’s still coming down). I don’t know what the official totals are, but out in the sticks where I live, I’d guess something in the neighborhood of 15-18″.

Not the biggest storm I’ve ever seen, but on top of the foot or so we got Saturday, the snow piles are starting to get pretty high. I spent about an hour plowing my driveway (more work to do there, but at least we were able to get out – once the snowplow finally came through; it was about knee deep in the road), and the roads on the way in were pretty messy.

They say we’ll get a few more inches today, and then a few more tonight. And a possible east coast storm on Saturday, too. Actually, the “5-Day” forecast is snow, snow, snow, snow, and snow. Oh boy. I liked it better last year.

I’ve been trying to figure out just how screwed I’m gonna get on this whole Pecuniary Precipice thing. First there’s the 2% increase in payroll taxes (and that looks like a done deal no matter what, from what I hear). Then there’s about a 3% increase in federal income tax. Plus, it appears that the “marriage penalty” is coming back. So that’s good.

Oh well, as long as Mitt Romney’s taxes don’t go up, I guess it’s all worth it.


Posted by pjsauter on December 26, 2012
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Well, that’s over. And it’s back to work (for me, anyway – I’m hoping lots of people have the whole week off so I don’t have to deal with them on the roads). I hope Santa was kind to you, and that you got to hang out with people you like. We have a real treat in store for us later on tonight, as it’s supposed to start snowing pretty heavily. They’re saying upwards of 18″ and strong winds, so that’ll be fun (on top of the foot of snow we just got the other day). Fortunately it’s no supposed to get bad until nine o’clock tonight, so I won’t have to drive home in it. But it’ll mean getting out there and plowing the driveway early Thursday morning, which is kind of a pain. And I have to decide whether or not to bother with the garbage tonight. If it’s gonna get buried in snow and plowed under, it may not be worth the hassle. But that’s tomorrow. First, I need to get today over with.


Posted by pjsauter on December 25, 2012
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Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate that kind of thing. A bit of a sad one, what with the news of Jack Klugman’s death. Hopefully I can catch all four of his Twilight Zone episodes on the marathon this year. Otherwise, I hope Santa was good to you this year.

In his Christmas Eve speech mass last night, the Pope said we should make room for God. Well, He can use our spare bedroom if He wants, but it’d be nice if he could chip in a little something for wood pellets. We’re running a little low, here, and with the Town and County property taxes coming up in January (on top of the end of the payroll tax holiday, which is going to have a very noticeable affect on my take home pay), it’s gonna be tough to find the money for a few more tons. And now that I’m entering my golden years, I’m kinda partial to being somewhat warm.

Anyhow, have a good day today, whether you care about Christmas or not, and I hope that Winter Storm “Euclid” (as the Weather Channel is calling it) isn’t too bad for you folks in the Midwest (and I also hope you’ll be kind enough to keep it to yourselves). Happy Christmas everybody – and stay healthy.


Posted by pjsauter on December 24, 2012
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Just in case they were off a day or two on the whole end of the world thing, I spent most of the weekend in my bunker, wearing my level 4 biohazard suit and cradling my AR-15 assault rifle (complete with a 100 round drum). Except for when I had to go out and plow the driveway. It appears that the coast is clear, however, and we’ve avoided yet another untimely end. I guess we should probably thank Pat Robertson – he no doubt prayed his ass off (which, given the size of his ass, is a lot pf praying). So there was no alternative but to get up and go to work.

The bad news is it’s Monday. The good news is tomorrow’s Christmas, so I don’t have to go to work, and I hear they may let me go at like 2:00, once the clinics close. Unfortunately, I have to come right back in to work on Wednesday, which also happens to be stupid meeting day. I’m hoping we aren’t actually gonna meet, ‘cuz at least a couple of us aren’t going to be here. Although I don’t think I’ll actually do anything for Christmas (and will barely notice it, other that to be happy to have the day off), there’s still something really depressing about having to come to work the day after. They really ought to make it a Thursday/Friday holiday or something.

Oh well, I guess I’ll try and be really, really good today, so maybe Santa will give me a pass on the other 364 days this year and bring me a present. Though how he’ll get down the chimney is beyond me. I mean, there was barely enough room to shove a 4″ flex pipe down there for my pellet stove, I don’t know how a fat guy’s getting down there (not even naked and greased up, let alone wearing a suit).

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Posted by pjsauter on December 21, 2012
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Well, it’s been nice knowing you all, but this is it – the end of the world. I’m not sure if there’s a set time for it to happen (like, midnight or something), or if it’s going to happen all at once, or be kind of a rolling thing across the Earth. I guess it kind of depends on whether we get hit by Planet X (which those incompetent fools at NASA have still failed to see) or there’s a pole shift or a violent solar storm or, I dunno, maybe a plague that kills everybody who doesn’t smear lamb’s blood on their front door. Either way, I guess this will be our last day together. Or not.

The day certainly started out the way you’d expect an apocalypse type of day to start. At least up here. Very heavy rain came through, and the temperature is such that it was a mix of rain and wet snow, so the roads were pretty slushy. And very, very dark. Then I got stuck behind some putz going 40 mph the whole way in. Once I got to work, I found that my computer had been updated over night, which means I had to log in again, and, ever since they installed a Zenworks upgrade a while back that means it takes, literally, about 30 minutes before I can start using my computer. Very annoying.

Good thing I didn’t have any Xmas shopping to do.

One person who probably wishes this really was Armageddon is John Boehner, who couldn’t even get his House Republicans to back his “Plan B” (told ya you shoulda called it Plan 9). So now they’re doing what responsible public servants do in the face of the devastation to the US (and world) economy should we plunge into the pecuniary precipice: they’re going on break until after Christmas.

I really hope Obama isn’t going to take this opportunity to cave in on more cuts to Social Security or something.

Oh well, I suppose I’d better get some work done, just in case the world doesn’t end today.

Stay safe out there, and let us know if you see any signs of the Rapture or something.