Posted by pjsauter on October 28, 2012
Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments
I knew my car battery was getting a little lame, since it’s hasn’t been turning over very rapidly lately. I figured I’d better get a new one before winter sets it, and since it’s the original battery in a 2004 model year car, I guess it’s about time. But of course I hate to spend money before I absolutely have to. Thankfully, the car made it an easy decision for me when it wouldn’t start this morning. Even with the portable jumper thingie, I was barely able to get it started. So, off to the big box “club” store it was, to not only get my weekly bulk shopping done, but to also pick up a car battery. I’m quite happy that it did it today, rather than tomorrow morning (or, worse, tomorrow at the end of the work day). Hopefully we’re good for another nine years or so. The only problem is, now I have to figure out how to set the clock again.
Today is a fairly crappy day around here. Foggy, drizzly, and about 45 degrees or so. No wind yet, though all that’s supposed to pick up tonight, with lots of wind a rain on top Monday, Tuesday, and even into Wednesday and Thursday, depending on how the “frankenstorm” turns out. They do their best to scare everybody, but I’m not terribly worried, myself (it would be a different story if we were into snowy weather, but, as my house is at about 1,000 feet above sea level, rain’s not much of a big deal for us).
Still, I ran the generator for a while yesterday, just in case we lose power for any appreciable amount of time. It would be nice if they’d cancel work, but I know that won’t happen. I just hope there isn’t any lightning, ‘cuz that scares Fritzi, and it it happens at night, there’ll be no sleep for me (not that I got any sleep last night, either).
I heard some sort of “around the breakfast table” chat on NPR this morning from Austin, TX. It was a bunch of young kids (well, kids to me – probably in their 30s) talking about the election, and they seemed like the kind of dopes that make me worry about this election. They very much seemed to equate the two candidates for President as being both about the same, and not knowing what it’s like to be a young person (with all their troubles; gosh, being young is almost as tough as being wealthy, I think. Thank goodness I’m old and not rich). I won’t go into the whole thing – just to say I found them kind of annoying.
Oh well, I guess I’d better get going and batten (or as my sister says, “button”) down the hatches. Y’all stay dry.