Posted by pjsauter on June 14, 2012
Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments
Thursday is kind of a bi-polar day. It isn’t Friday, but it’s close enough to Friday that you can see light at the end of the tunnel, and that feels good. But then you start thinking about Friday, and it starts to feel like Friday, and then you realize that it’s only Thursday, and then you get all pissed off and depressed and shit. Still, it’s a lot better than Monday.
So, John Edwards is officially off the hook, as the DOJ officially said they’d leave him alone now. It was a bullshit case from the beginning (not to defend Johnny, who is clearly not exactly the guy we all – or, I all, anyway, thought he was). But at least now I can quit having to hear about it all the time. Funny how Republicans never seem to get prosecuted for the same thing.
Another reason to love “Game of Thrones”.
Is Lance Armstrong a doper or what? And if so, why should I care (I mean, it’s not like he’s Roger Clemens)? Despite never having failed a drug test and the DOJ dropping their investigation into things, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency says Lance is a bad, bad, boy. Sounds like they’re just trying to appease the French to me.
I guess everybody’s heard about the mass layoffs at several newspapers by the Newhouse Corporation – including, as Vernon pointed out to me the other day, the New Orleans Times-Picayune. It’s interesting to note that “picayune” when used as an adjective means petty or worthless (which is maybe not a good thing to refer to yourself as when you’re trying to stay in business), though I assume it refers to the word for a Spanish coin that was worth about a nickel, which I’m guessing is what the paper cost back when the paper started in 1837. Ah, those were the days.
The TP is going to go to a three-day paper and shift more toward, their on-line version. This kinda sucks if you are too poor to have Internet access (and I believe I read somewhere that there are one or two poor folks down that way).
Then again, I have to admit I haven’t purchased a newspaper in quite a long time. The local newspaper seems to be mostly ads, and is a little on the lame side anyway, and I can get a wealth of information online (and not have to get rid of the paper when I’m done with it). Plus, it doesn’t cost a nickel anymore.
The other thing is that I’m pretty turned off by the news these days. I can’t much stomach the political stuff, and I don’t really want to read about the cannibal killer trend (just, please, stay away from where I live). They seem to be blaming everything on “bath salts.”
Why not just legalize pot? I never saw anybody who was stoned attack somebody and try to eat their face off. Hell, I never met a stoner with enough ambition to do more than eat a bag of Doritos (damn sharp corners on those things, especially when you’re trying to force-feed them down your throat).
Oh well, time to get this damn not-Friday over with.