Posted by pjsauter on June 7, 2012
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I forgot to mention that yesterday was D-Day. So, yesterday was D-Day. It doesn’t get a whole lot of mention these days, which is kind of a shame because I’ve always been amazed at what people did on that day. That whole landing on the beach thing did not look like fun, and I have real doubts that I’d have been up to the task. Though I suppose when they drive you up to the shore and pop the front open, you pretty much just have to go for it.
It was also a sad day for we Science Fiction fans, with the death of Ray Bradbury. I read a lot of Sci-Fi as a kid (still do), so I read a lot of Ray. I preferred Azimov, I must say, but that’s only because Azimov would tell you how the engines worked and all that. Still, Bradbury wrote a lot of great stories.
Other sad news was that Arnie Burdick died. You’ll have no idea who he was, of course, but he was another part of my youth.
And of course the news from Wisconsin was quite sad as well. The Democrats got a symbolic victory in retaking the WI Senate. Until November, anyway. And they most likely won’t even convene between now and then. Still, it’s something, I guess.
It was also my friend Rich’s birthday. Born 6-6-60. Yeah, he had the mark.
Romney and the Republicans (R&R) raised almost $17 million more than Obama and the Democrats (OD) last month or whatever it is they announce those things for. Much like WI, your next federal government will be brought to you thanks to the Koch brothers and their associates. I hope I still get to retire before I die.
Today is Thursday, which isn’t as good as Friday, but I’m gonna try and work with it. When I got out of my car as I arrived at work this morning, I said to myself, “this is gonna be the best day ever.” I figured it was worth a shot.
Sadly, this does not appear to be the best day ever. It’s not the worst one ever, either. So that’s good.
Oh well, soon I’ll be at the lunchtime milestone. Always the highlight of the day (except for quittin’ time, of course).