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Morning Seditionists

Urf Day

Posted by pjsauter on April 22, 2012
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Happy Earth Day, planet Earth. Back on the very first Earth Day, I was about nine and a half years old. That was a long damn time ago. Fortunately, during the ensuing 42 years (42 years! Holy shit, when did that happen?) we’ve stopped polluting the air and the water and the land, have made huge strides in getting off of oil (why, we Americans use a mere 19 million barrels a day) and coal with alternative energy, and are taking Climate Change seriously.

Yesterday was bleak and dreary, with rain pretty much all day. Drizzle, mostly, but cold. It made it impossible to do much of anything, so I cleaned my office (which has been needing it badly). I carted a lot of crap down the basement, and threw a bunch of other stuff away. I’m not saying it’s spotless, but I can actually see the surface of my desk. I should probably get around to painting the underside of it (not that I don’t like the look of bare 2x4s.

Today is cold. Just barely up to 43 degrees at the moment, and not supposed to get much warmer. I definitely need to get the grass cut, and am hoping things will dry out a bit before I get started.

Oh well, time to get back to doing whatever was I was doing while I wait for things to warm up a bit.


Posted by pjsauter on April 20, 2012
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Damn near noon on 4/20, and I’m not stoned. And not likely to be. How sad. But life goes on, so I reckon I’ll have to find some other way to celebrate Hitler’s birthday. At least it’s Friday, and a very nice one, weather-wise, from what I hear. In a shocking surprise, the weather is supposed to turn to crap for the weekend. I guess that gives me an excuse to sit around and read all day. Except I’d prefer to sit out in the sun and read. But you take what you get.


Posted by pjsauter on April 19, 2012
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I had to laugh when I saw the headline of this article – “Right and Early” – because it naturally made me think of Marc the Shark (or was it Mark the Shark – or Marc the Sharc?). It’s all about the liberal media bias – particularly on the Sunday Booblehead shows.

While you might expect to see a lot of Republican candidates and their surrogates in the thick of a Republican primary contest, the four Sunday morning talk shows—ABC’s This Week, NBC’s Meet the Press, CBS’s Face the Nation and Fox News Sunday—have been extraordinarily friendly terrain for the right, as a new FAIR study documents.
In the eight-month study period, partisan-affiliated one-on-one interviews were 70 percent Republican—166 guests to Democrats’ 70.
Men overwhelmingly dominated one-on-one interviews, at 86 percent: 228 male guests compared to 36 women. Meet the Press featured the fewest women, with just six female interviewees—three of whom were Rep. Michele Bachmann (R.-Minn.), the presidential candidate.

Guests were also also ethnically homogeneous, with 242 white interview guests (92 percent of the total), 15 African-Americans (seven of whom were Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain), four Arabs or Arab-Americans, and three Latinos.
If you buy the assumption that the Sunday shows simply must feature lawmakers in one-on-one interviews, the roundtable debate format could at least give these programs a chance to bring in more diverse voices. But these segments are hard to distinguish from the lopsided interview segments.
Women were just 29 percent of roundtable guests. The ethnic diversity was similarly woeful: 85 percent white and 11 percent African-American, with 3 percent Latino. Other ethnicities made up an additional 2 percent of roundtable guests.

Damn liberals.

Barack Obama not only hates sty-at-home moms, but he also hates successful rich people. He had the nerve to mention that he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but Mitt Romney isn’t going to apologize for his dad.

Of course, nobody is asking him to. And we all know how hard it was for Mitt and Anne to survive in college without working a day, only cashing in Mitt’s crappy stocks. Poor Mitt. Poor Anne.

As Vernon mentioned, sad news yesterday as Dick Clark passed away at 82 (which really isn’t sounding very old to me these days). I’m sure I don’t need to mention what college Dick went to, or where he got his start on the radio.

I will mention that Dick was on hand the day that SU played then #1 Nebraska in football in 1984. He was on hand to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of SU’s only National Championship (and SU actually astounded the football world by beating Nebraska that day; I couldn’t talk above a whisper for a week after that).

So long, Dick.

Stupid Meeting Day

Posted by pjsauter on April 18, 2012
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I began my commute this morning listening to Johnny Cash’s version of “I Hung My Head.” A cheery little ditty to help get me in the mood for today’s meeting (for which I am holding out hope that there’ll be a last minute cancellation). Not that I wasn’t in the mood already. I was awakened at about 2:30 this morning, and never actually got back to sleep, so let’s just say I’m tired and a little bit grumpy. Not as grumpy as everybody’s favorite Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, I bet.

Seems Sheriff Joe might be in a little bit of (well-deserved) trouble.

A three-person disciplinary panel of the state’s high court said there was enough evidence to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the sheriff and three of his closest allies participated in what the panel believes was federal crime in December 2009.

The alleged crime doesn’t stem from battles over immigration, pink underwear or any of the other things that have made Arpaio famous. Instead, it deals with a feud among local government officials in which the panel said the sheriff and his allies took things way too far.

It would be nice to see Joe in a pair of pink panties. No, wait, I take that back. It’s actually a rather unnerving thought. But it would be nice to see him go down. No, wait, that’s kind of an icky thought, too.

Speaking of icky thoughts, it’s almost time for my stupid meeting.


Posted by Travis on April 17, 2012
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Tuesday again. I don’t know about all of you, but I’m looking forward to another episode of The Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel.



Posted by pjsauter on April 16, 2012
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OK, if you haven’t gotten your taxes done, it might be time to get started. I’m rather proud of the fact that I had mine done back in, like, February. Of course, mine aren’t exactly complicated, what with very little of my “wealth” being held in offshore accounts, no capital gains (nor losses) to report, and basically just my property taxes and mortgage interest to deduct. I probably could weasel out more than that, but, well, I’m not really into that sort of thing.

Remember that champion of hard-working stay-at-home moms, Mitt Romney? Turns out, while he may or may not think being a mom is hard, it appears he doesn’t think it’s very dignified.

In January, Romney touted his proposal as governor of Massachusetts to raise the amount of work required of parents on welfare so that they could “have the dignity of work.”
“I wanted to increase the work requirement,” said Romney in New Hampshire. “I said, for instance, that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that’s heartless.’ And I said, ‘No, no, I’m willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work. It’ll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.’”

Today is supposed to be 88 degrees here, and sunny. Until I get out of work, at which point it’s supposed to turn to sever storms (the same system that brought tornadoes to the Midwest, I guess). I’m not looking forward to that, as Fritzi doesn’t care for the boom-booms, and if it storms overnight, there won’t be much sleep for me. Not that I slept much last night. Being out of beer, I was unable to sedate myself. This was kind depressing, though this morning I was kind of grateful. I mean, Mondays are tough enough when you’re not hung over.

The question is, do I buy beer on the way home, or do I stay dry for another night?

Friday the 13th

Posted by pjsauter on April 13, 2012
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Lost in all the excitement over Obama adviser concubine close personal friend acquaintance Hilary Rosen saying she hates stay-at-home moms, was that Charlie Manson was – shockingly – denied parole. Chuck is 77 years old, but his homemade swastika forehead tattoo is still holding up after all these years. Never fear, as Uncle Charlie will get another crack at release when he turns 92 (and I fully expect both he and Dick Cheney will still be alive).

The much feared North Korean launch of its Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite turned out to be a bust, as the rocket failed to enter orbit after splintering in to pieces shortly after liftoff. I’m thinking the North Koreans maybe should’ve passed on that one. Seeing as they don’t have enough money to feed their people, they should probably have saved the money.

Sad news for sports fans, as the Lingerie Football League has decided to suspend the 2012 season. They will, however embark on a promotional “all-star” world tour (not coming to a city near you, I’m afraid, unless you’re in Mexico City, Sydney and Brisbane, Australia, and possibly some cities in Asia).

Sports fans in Lubbock TX are in luck, though. No LFL games, but, for $100 an hour, you can hire a maid that will clean your house in the buff (or in lingerie).

“Excuse me, my dear, but I believe you missed a spot on the baseboard. No, to the left. A little lower…. Oh, that’s perfect.”

Oh well, let’s get this damn week over with already.


Posted by pjsauter on April 12, 2012
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So, George Zimmerman has finally been arrested. It had nothing to do with all the protesting and outrage, though. Nope. Then it turns out his real name is George Dylan. But who cares about all this nonsense, anyway? The most important thing in the world right now is that somebody named Hilary Rosen said Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. This is outrageous (other than the fact that Ann Romney has never actually worked a day in her life)! Especially since Hilary Rosen is actually Barack Obama in drag, pretending to not actually be affiliated with Obama or the DNC. Oh, we’re not falling for that load of crap.

Basically, this proves that Obama hates women – and mothers, in particular. I mean, it’s hard work maintaining a staff and hiring maids and nannies and all that (not to mention getting your Cadillac serviced and whatnot).

Ann, of course, knows what it’s like to struggle. Oh, not financially, heavens no. She was born to money and married more money. But she does have MS, which has interfered with her horse riding activities, and she did have a lumpectomy. But, hey, it’s not like being married to a millionaire gets you any special medical care. Not in the good old US of A, where everybody gets treated the same.

So, clearly, Obama needs to apologize for this Rosen woman, and then do the decent thing and resign.

Oh, and Nerlens Noel is a dick.


Posted by pjsauter on April 11, 2012
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Poor Rick Sanatorium. What was once a frothing campaign has ended, not with a powerful ejaculation, but with a pathetic little dribble. Loser. He should have stayed in longer and made Mitt spend some more money on attack ads in PA. Oh well. Once again, NY doesn’t get a say in anything. Not that I’d be voting in a Republican primary, of course. But still.

Hey, how’s this for a blast from the past: FL congresscuckoo Allen West says he’s “heard” that up to 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party. Not sure if he just watched “J. Edgar” on Netflix or what.

Besides being delusional, West is also just a wee bit megalomaniacal, having told a crowd of his supporters that he wanted to debate Obama, bit he can’t ‘cuz Obama is scared of him. Yeah. ‘Cuz you’re always seeing sitting Presidents going out and debating obscure, insane, pissant Congressmen. Unless they’re afraid, of course.

Are you a lonely and pathetic adolescent (emotionally, anyway) male (or female, I suppose)? Well, then here’s something right up your alley: BateFlix.

…BateFlix is setting out to locate the best nudity available on Netflix.

The recommendation engine allows users to search the Netflix database for movies containing nudity, sex scenes, masturbation and more.

So, let me get this straight, you have the Internet, and want to look at “nudity, sex scenes, masturbation and more” (there’s more?), so you use your Internet connection to go and find movies containing that sort of thing on NetFlix? Um. I’m pretty sure you can do better than that, and then you won’t have to sit through all the boring stuff to catch a glimpse of a boobie.

Hard to believe this is only Wednesday. That’s pretty depressing. Feels like it ought to be at least Thursday.


Posted by Travis on April 10, 2012
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Nothing ruins your Friday like finding out it’s actually Tuesday.