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Morning Seditionists


Posted by pjsauter on March 15, 2012
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The NCAA Basketball tournament starts today (well, technically, it started before today with the “play-in” games, but who cares about them, unless you’re a Western Kentucky fan or something), with SU taking on UNC-Asheville at 3:10 PM EDT. UNCA is probably the best of the 16-seeds, so naturally, what with our starting center being ruled ineligible by the university to play, there is a great deal of speculation as to whether or not SU will become the first #1 seed to lose to a #16. We have the dubious distinction of being the first #2 seed to lose to a #15, having lost to the dreaded Richmond Spiders back in 1991 – a game I recall watching in the hospital when my mother had a triple bypass; oh, what a happy day – and I would just as soon not lose today. I’m still holding out hope that they will rise to the occasion and win the whole goddamn thing. Holding out hope, but not exactly holding my breath.

It’s supposed to be very warm today – perhaps as high as 77 degrees. That is truly amazing. And warm all weekend and into next week. I hate to jinx it, but I’m pretty sure the snow tires are coming off this weekend.

Oh well, for some reason, it feels as though somebody is sticking an ice pick – no, make that a flathead screwdriver – into the middle of my back. How pleasant.

It’s enough to make your head spin.


Posted by pjsauter on March 14, 2012
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Well I guess they sure do love them some Santorum down south. Romney? Not so much. Good news is that Newt is vowing to stay in this race so that he and Ricky can be a pain in Mitt’s ass right ’til the end. Of course, don’t kid yourself. Republicans might not like Mitt very much, but they despise Obama, so it’s not like this primary process is gonna hurt him too much with “the base.” No, it comes down to those gosh darn “independent” voters. And in a world where Dubya can get almost as many votes as Al Gore, I wouldn’t be popping the sparkling wine corks at the re-elect Obama campaign headquarters anytime soon. Sadly, nothing will happen anytime soon. There are many long, annoying months ahead of us here. Well, time to get to work (which is code for “time to read all the local sports blogs to get all the rumors about how Fab Melo screwed over SU”).


Posted by pjsauter on March 13, 2012
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I’m really diggin’ this warm weather. Something like 66 yesterday, 67 today, and down to 55 for a high tomorrow before everything climbs back up into the 60s and even 70s again. I’m actually considering taking my snow tires off, which is typically unthinkable for March in these parts. I’m really hoping this becomes the new normal around here. I guess I’m getting old, but I’m ready for us to turn in the snow king crown. I’m also pretty happy with the whole daylight until, like, 8 o’clock thing. Mornings are a little dark, but, eh, when you spend your whole day in an airless, windowless office, it doesn’t much matter. They can set the clocks ahead six hours for all I care. Oh well, better get to work.


Posted by pjsauter on March 12, 2012
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So, we did wind up watching “Game Change” yesterday, and I thought it was pretty good. Rather amazing that Sarah Palin could have become VP. Fortunately, she’s pretty lazy. I thought they portrayed her in a pretty sympathetic light, all things considered (and by that, I mean considering she a lazy nutjob). They were pretty kind to McCain, too, more or less giving him a pass.

Having made our way through the first three seasons of “Breaking Bad,” we started in on “Mad Men” last night. Seems OK so far. I’ll reserve judgement, except to say that now I understand where that godawful “Pan Am” came from. I assume it was an attempt to capitalize on the whole 1960’ish thing.

Yesterday was amazing. 66 degrees, and sunny. Makes going back to work today that much more difficult.


Posted by pjsauter on March 11, 2012
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Welcome to the semi-annual, “holy shit, I didn’t know I had this many clocks” day. I think I’ve gotten to about 2/3 of ours so far. Normally I welcome the extra daylight (or, rather, the daylight being back-loaded to the end of the day), but the thought of work being one hour closer than it ought to be is kinda bumming me out. I need to figure out a new way to make a living. Something I actually don’t hate doing would be nice. Or at least something I can hate doing from home. Not that I’m complaining of course (OK, well, yeah, I am actually complaining). I’m really only in it for the money.

I recorded “Game Change” – the movie about Sarah Palin and John McCain, aka, “Peggy Hill Goes to Washington (Almost)” – last night, but for some reason only got 9 minutes. So I’ll try again today at noon. Though I suppose I could get it on HBOGo. In fact, maybe I’ll give that a try now. It’s either that, or go find some clocks.


Posted by pjsauter on March 10, 2012
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A fairly easy to watch Bill Maher last night. The only idiot on was Michael Steele, and he didn’t even act like an idiot. Dare I say, he was even making sense? Otherwise, yesterday kinda sucked. And now the weekend’s all but over. We got a fair amount of snow last night, so now I’m trying to decide if I should plow, or just let tomorrow’s predicted 60 degree weather take care of it. I’m kind of leaning toward the latter. Somewhere along the way, I seem to have picked up a cold or a sinus infection or something (perhaps that what my little “episodes” came from in the first place), and sitting out on the tractor doesn’t sound like a good idea. I should do some other stuff, though. One less hour to get things accomplished tomorrow. At least I won’t have to waste any time watching basketball.


Posted by pjsauter on March 9, 2012
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It’s been a long week, and a good one to get over with. It was summer for a couple of days, but now it’s winter again, and the ground is covered with a thin blanket of snow. But that’s only supposed to last for a couple of days, and then it’ll be warm again. Quite a roller coaster. Or at least it feels like a roller coaster. It was really windy while I was driving home last night, and the car was getting blown around. At least, I think that was happening. It’s getting hard to tell if things are really moving, or it’s just me. Speaking of me, I guess I’d better get moving and get this day over with.


Posted by pjsauter on March 8, 2012
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Trying to decide if I feel like going to work today. Well, I don’t feel like it, but I guess I probably ought to go in anyway. Hopefully the world won’t start spinning again.


Posted by pjsauter on March 7, 2012
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Bit of a scary day for me yesterday. Had two bouts of vertigo that had me wondering if it was about to be lights out time. I had to have my sister come and get me at work, since it became clear I wasn’t capable of driving. So today I’m gonna hang at home and see if I croak or not.

Super Tuesday

Posted by pjsauter on March 6, 2012
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All kinds of primary thingies going on today. And it look like it could be a big day for Mitt Romney. Or not. Who knows (who actually cares)? Maybe there’ll be another Santorum Surge, turning this race into a frothy mix of confusion. I just can’t believe there’s still eight more months of this shit to go. I miss Herman Cain.

It’s cold this morning. Like 12 or something. But tomorrow it’s supposed to be 64. I feel a sick day coming on.

Happy Birthday to Oreos, which turn 100 years old today. Speaking of Oreos, Happy Birthday to Rob Reiner, who looks like he’s had an Oreo or two in his day. And it’s also Mary Wilson’s birthday.