OK, I hope everybody’s ready to do the big work this weekend. Debate on the Alito nomination will continue
on Monday, until about 4:30 or so, at which time there’ll be a vote for cloture (an end to debate). If three-fifths of the Senators (that’d be 60) vote for cloture, there’ll be an up or down vote on Strip Search Sammy Alito on Tuesday. If not, the Republicans will likely attempt to declare the use of unlimited debate unconstitutional with respect to judicial nominations. Likely, that will take a while to work out, as moderate (that is, not quite totally insane) Republicans are reluctant to do this; what goes around comes around, eh?.
The State of the Union address is Tuesday night. You can either look at President Bunnypants stumbling over the English language with that smug fucking look on his puss, fresh from ensuring his imperial legacy for the next 25 years or so, or you can watch the arrogant little prick blink and scowl as he works that coke jaw back and forth, wondering what the hell happened to all that political capital he thought he had.
Work your phones, fax machines, and computers. Call your Senators. Call everybody’s Senators. Don’t forget the “moderate” Republicans, or the “conservative” Democrats. Screw ’em if they’ve already said they’d vote for Alito. They can change their minds (what, a politician saying one thing and doing another? Perish the thought). Be polite to their staffers, but let them know they’ll be rewarded for doing the right thing, and shunned – or worse, actively campaigned against – for running away from this fight with nothing but their lonely little tails between their legs.
You know what you’ll hear from the traditional media all weekend. Kerry’s crazy. There aren’t enough votes. This is bad for America. Poor Sammy’s wife is gonna cry. You name it. There’ll be venom aplenty. The Democrats in the Senate need to know that we’ve got their backs – that this won’t be political suicide. In fact, this may be the only thing that can save them. Win, lose, or draw, if they don’t at least put up a fight, they’ll turn those of who care off completely – and maybe permanently. They can’t afford that, and neither can this country.
Stop Alito. Start a revolution.
Hey where is everybody? I’m first for the first time! :omg::fire::rant1::bong::40::banana:
I’m the only one here in this seditionist world. I guess I’ll play around for a bit! :rofl2::sammy::sheep::shock:
Good videos to be found here http://guerillawomentn.blogspot.com/
Impeach! Impeach! :nixon:
Yea :banana: I am Not First. I have been writting in Fridays. Then went on again to The Young Turks …
Hey druid! Way to go! Woo hooo!!! :banana:
I watched Maron’s HBO special again last night with my brother. He said he didn’t expect Marc to look like that…:doh: He loved it! :rofl2:
I hate Thom Hartmann’s music intro, it’s worse than the music AAR puts up instead of the commercials….:sammy:
jasonwkinney Shoot, I even talked football….. teehee …:doh: 😉 ….. :fire:
:doh:I just woke up and I’m not quite in the thinkin’ mode yet. I’ll check back in a little bit, sheeple.
Oh, Druid, I’ve been thinking about the Alaska thing, and I’m still thnkin’. Sorry.
And Jason, I’ve been trying to figure out how to make the titles on each post a link to their own pages. So far they’re just black text, but do you know where I could look in the blogger help section so I can figure it out?
I think I kinda got things mixed up :doh: — so I will be going to sleep around 4am — and not stay up with the Turks since the two I started out with are sleep’n 😮 :yawn: :rofl2: …:fire:
Travis I think it’s in your settings…there’s something there that says do you want to make separate page for your posts…
travisdem_04 NO WORRY’s. Do not even bother … I will prob not leave — till way after the election and probably never. But if we do we probably will visit before we truly decide. So when I say “don’t bother — really don’t bother:!: :alc: or :bong: :nod: :fire:
Hey, if anyone’s interested I posted the unreleased photos from the Tokyo Sedition Meet-up! See the funny here!
pj, do you think you could post these? _travis, I sent these to you already…
Travis…to be more exact…it’s in the settings under archiving. I hope that helps ya’ buddy! :alc:
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Oh, I see what you’re saying. You can’t do that Travis. That’s one of the limitations of the blogspot thing. You’ll have to create a new blog to link it. Like I did. They are called “fake” pages. Like I post an article, and link it to my other site. I just mimicked the changes in the template to the new template. Does that make sense?
:doh: Yeah….Let me think about that for a a second… Yup, that makes sense. I just need figure it out. It will take a few seconds though. Thanks
So, yeah the blogspot site really has no actual depth…:doh:
THE SEDITION PAGES HAVE ARRIVED! That’s all the news I’ve got. Sorry for that. I’ll quiet down now.
I still haven’t figured out the title link. Man, I have to get some coffee
well, as discussed here yesterday, salon today has the federal reg:
salon isn’t too up-beat on the filibuster which does not seem to comport with other internet sites.
:billcat: Ann Coulter
Finally some press for our cause. I find it curious though that they chose the term “rebel” to describe the use of a filibuster. A filibuster is an acceptable procedure not a “rebellion” which means “opposing or taking arms against a government. (Ex. Rebel Army (Confederacy). The media just can’t report the facts, can they? Anyway, here’s the excerpt from http://www.nydailynews.com
WASHINGTON – Sen. Hillary Clinton yesterday backed a rebel band of Senate Dems seeking to filibuster a vote on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Samuel Alito.
Democratic leaders had warned that filibuster efforts were going nowhere and would let President Bush score easy political points, but Clinton said, “I oppose his nomination and support efforts to block his confirmation.”
“I do not think Judge Alito would advance the principles Americans hold most dear,” she said, adding she would vote against a move to cut off a filibuster should one occur.
Any senator can filibuster – or command the floor to block a vote. It takes 60 votes to invoke cloture to end a filibuster.
Nope, the pages haven’t arrived yet. I guess I was fooled. I guess I fooled you too. What should I do? I didn’t mean to….
Depth. I’m lost in it.:40:
Although this is from last Wed., I thought it quite interesting. I’ve opined before that perhaps Hamas won not because the Palestinians believe in crushing Israel, but rather because they simply want change.
Seeing a visible wall cut across your orchard or through the ancient city of Jerusalem is a sign that the Palestinians are being cut out, literally, from their land. Abbas was incapable of stopping Sharon’s
march to isolationism.
So I’m wondering if one should be hopeful that the Palestinians want peace, but feel they need to show a strong-arm to forge towards their own Nation. In the legal world, a party is more likely to settle a case outside the courtroom if they know the opposing side will go balls to the walls in the courtroom.
Sometimes things look bleaker than they are.
What a wonderful article this is by John Nichols of http://www.thenation.org He has a blog titled “The Online Beat” This is only an excerpt.
Checks, Balances and the Duty to Filibuster
No one runs for the U.S. Senate on the slogan: “Elect me and I will maintain the status quo.”
No one runs for the U.S. Senate promising to go along to get along.
Yet, when push comes to shove, most senators end up as cautious players who choose the easy route of partisanship, ideological predictability and personal political advantage over the more dangerous path of adherence to the Constitution. Americans have grown so accustomed to the compromised nature of the chamber that they often forget that the founders of the American experiment intended the Senate, in particular, to serve as a check and a balance on the excesses of the executive branch.
Of course there will be political risks for those who back the filibuster. But senators do not swear allegiance to their political security; they swear it to a Constitution that requires them to hold the executive branch to account. In this moment, and in this circumstance, senators can only provide the necessary checks and balances by backing the filibuster.
isi, mabye the ny daily news needs “straightening out” on their definition of filibuster:!:
Travis do this….go to your previous posts. Click on one of the links, and it’ll open up in a different page. Copy the address. Now, go back to the original post and edit. paste the new address in the link field…that should do the trick…do you understand?
farmerkat, I hate to ever be compared in any way to the confederacy :rant1: Plus they used the word incorrectly.
Yesterday, I started to get discouraged about our activism but Randi and Seder really picked me up. Plus, Dianne Feinstein is on board. And, that is totally a result of citizen activism. I’s easy to start buying into the spin when there is little to no media coverage. But, I’m back and I will work today on my emails. Like pj said, this is
FAX, PHONE AND EMAIL DAY. We must carry on.
Good Morning Seditionists. Hey, I just thought of a name for our band, Seditionistic Tendencies. Eh?:wink:
That’s a good one ghostgrrrl! Aka Kristapea! 😉
Is that a shout out to Suicidal Tendencies? Thank for leaving a comment on the unreleased photos! :banana:
Ohhhh. I think I got it. It’s still rolling around in my head though. Give me, like, ten minutes. Alright!
Hey! :rant1: The banana isn’t dancing! 😡
Awake the sleeping deomocrats…filibuster! :nod:
Alright Travis…let me know what happens…:alc:
repuklicans sure have a funny way of supporting our troops:
Genius man. Genius!:banana: Thanks Jason.
There’s still kinks that I have to work out. But damn thats good stuff.
Here is a great prioritized list of senators who need to be contacted this weekend. If the mail box is full, use their local number.:jesus:
Way to go travis! :nod: I’m out for the night from Tokyo,
Goodnight all! I love you seditionists! :love:
Let’s hope things change very quickly in this world! It’s all we have…:fire:
(I guess they’re trying to compare us to the wingnuts on the right. At least he ended the article with a quote from James Boyce)
Blogs Attack From Left as Democrats Reach for Center
By Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, January 28, 2006; Page A06
“The bloggers and online donors represent an important resource for the party, but they are not representative of the majority you need to win elections,” said Steve Elmendorf, a Democratic lobbyist who advised Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. “The trick will be to harness their energy and their money without looking like you are a captive of the activist left.”
Gee, there’s somebody I’d pay a lot of attention to.
had a problem with the browser.
problem solved.
but while i’m here – hey!
“The trick will be to harness their energy and their money without looking like you are a captive of the activist left.”
THIS LINE SHOULD BE CIRCULATED THROUGHOUT THE WEB. it’s soooooo wrong and evil. :growl::growl::growl:
it’s time to form a new Progressive Party.
Thank You for Helping To Stop Alito
by Senator Edward M Kennedy
Fri Jan 27, 2006 at 04:10:51 PM PDT
At events throughout Martin Luther King Day earlier this month commemorating the great civil rights leader, countless people who care about civil rights today emphasized the major threat that Alito poses to our values of equality and justice if he becomes a member of the Supreme Court, with the power to roll back so much of the extraordinary progress we’ve made. I was inspired by their passion and commitment to defend the progress we’ve made in our country’s history.
Senator Edward M Kennedy’s diary :: ::
Those conversations – and the overwhelming calls, letters, and e-mails I’ve received make it clear that the issue is all-important if our progress is to continue. The right wing is salivating over the prospect of Justice Alito on the Supreme Court, and the Republican majority in the Senate intends to rubber-stamp the nomination. The only realistic way to stop this nightmare is to stand up using tool we have.
Other than voting to send our men and women to war, there is no more important vote in the Senate than our vote on a Supreme Court nominee. Long after President Bush leaves office, the damage he can do with Supreme Court appointments like this will continue, since Justice Alito would be able to serve for decades in the future because federal judges serve for life.
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings confirmed our worst fears, and we have to take the strongest possible stand against him.
We owe it to this generation and future generations of Americans to oppose any such nominee who will roll back the progress we’ve made.
The next three days will make all the difference in whether enough Democrats are willing to stand firm against this shameful nomination. Thank you for all of your support, and for all you can do between now and then to help us in this crucial vote.
I will not be able to stay in front of the computer, as I have quite a bit to take care of today. Crystal will monitor this post, though, and I’ve asked her to keep me updated with your feedback.
Tags: Samuel Alito, filibuster, Ted Kennedy, Senate, judiciary, Recommended (all tags)
Okie dokie, Jason. I added them to the page. Now, when do we get a picture of your students all holding “Hey Buddy, What’s Up?” signs?
Remember this line From Friday ??
“One aide said part of the problem is that Democratic senators haven’t felt a groundswell of opposition from constituents. Polls show that Alito’s nomination is supported by most Americans. ”
“People aren’t engaged in this fight,” one senior aide said. “The reality is this isn’t something that American people are calling in droves about. We’re getting more calls in on NSA spying than we are on Alito.”
Its Saturday … The pestering of the senators continues but …….
No one is in their offices , their voice mail is full and their FAX machines are shut off( or at least won’t answer the phone)… What do you bet that on Monday they repeat the same line ?? Some representative government..:mad::rant1: Grrrrrr.
I’ve been going to senate.gov and going alphabetically through the democrats and sending emails. When I finish that I guess I’ll email some republicans.
We Can Stop Alito This Weekend
There are seven suggestions listed at the above link, for those who feel like getting all riled up this weekend (I’ve also added them to the Filibuster Contacts page). For anyone feeling discouraged, here’s something to think about:
I think I’ll go dig up some toll free numbers for the media whores, too, in case you want to give them a call (what the hell; it beats doing my homework).
Well lets see…
The Young Turks are reviewing movies .. hey what else do you do after you have been up for 36 hours. ??
The satellite sisters are babbling on and on and on… well at least they are not doing that while screeching like some other lady talker. maybe Malloy was keeping NYC awake at night..
January 28, 2006
The Local Phone Call MIRACLE To Stop Alito
Keep those phones ringing all weekend long
by thepen
This is the most important alert we will ever send
LOCAL PHONE LOOKUP: http://www.nocrony.com
There is a political earthquake taking place right now and the mainstream media and some in the political establishment are DESPERATELY trying to cover it up and deny it. The people of the United States are rising up in open democratic revolt to demand that their representatives actually listen to them and fight for their rights.
Thanks to the courage of John Kerry in the simple act of calling for a filibuster of the Alito nomination, there WILL be a cloture vote on Monday, and if enough of us call and fax, there is NO senator we cannot turn around. Otherwise, why should they even be allowed to remain in office?
With perhaps millions of people trying to get through to their senators, we have had reports the phone messaging system in Washington is completely jammed. Does that mean we stop trying? NO!!! We crank it up to the next level by filling every local district office answering machine they have, and consuming every piece of fax paper they’ve got.
You can instantly look up your own senators’ LOCAL numbers with the one click function at
LOCAL PHONE LOOKUP: http://www.nocrony.com
pj, hope this doesn’t break anything, but I’m posting it. I found it on Salon’s comments page and it has the local phone numbers. I think some of the comments next to senators’ names may be a bit outdated. the nocrony website requires entering zip codes to get local numbers and I’m too lazy for that!
ontact Senators – Phone, Fax, Email
Help support the filibuster by contacting one of the following Senators over the weekend. Remember, your voice counts.
The Three Democrats Voting For Alito:
Ben Nelson
Phone: (202) 224-6551 / (402) 441-4600
Fax: (202) 228-0012 / (402) 476-8753
Email: http://www.senate.gov/~bennelson/contact/email.cfm
Tim Johnson
Phone: (202) 224-5842 / (605) 226-3440 / (605) 341-3990 / (605) 332-8896
Fax: (202) 228-5765 / (605) 226-2439
Email: http://www.senate.gov/~johnson/emailform.cfm
Robert Byrd
Phone: (202) 224-3954 / (304) 342-5855
Fax: (202) 228-0002 / (304) 343-7144
Email: http://byrd.senate.gov/byrd_email.html
Our “Party Leader”:
Harry Reid
Phone: (202) 224-3542 / (702) 388-5020
Fax: (202) 224-7327 / (702) 388-5030
Email: http://reid.senate.gov/email_form.cfm
Democrats Not Confirmed Filibuster-ers:
Barack Obama
Phone: (202) 224-2854 / (312) 886-3506
Fax: (202) 228-4260 / (312) 886-3514
Email: http://obama.senate.gov/contact/contact.cfm?cat=legal
Mary Landrieu
Phone: (202) 224-5824 / (504) 589-2427
Fax: (202) 224-9735 / 504) 589-4023
Email: http://landrieu.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
Ken Salazar
Phone: (202) 224-5852 / (303) 455-7600
Fax: (202) 228-5036 / (303) 455-8851
Email: http://salazar.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Joe Biden
Phone: (202) 224-5042 / (302) 573-6345
Fax: (202) 224-0139 / (302) 573-6351
Email: http://biden.senate.gov/contact/emailjoe.cfm
Byron Dorgan
Phone: (202) 224-2551 / (701) 250-4618
Fax: (202) 224-1193 / (701) 250-4484
Email: senator@dorgan.senate.gov
Diane Feinstein
Phone: (202) 224-3841 / (415) 393-0707
Fax: (202) 228-3954 / (415) 393-0710
Email: http://feinstein.senate.gov/email.html
Evan Bayh
Phone: (202) 224-5623 / (317) 554-0750
Fax: (202) 228-1377 / (317) 554-0760
Email: http://bayh.senate.gov/LegForm.htm
Maria Cantwell
Phone: (202) 224-3441 / (206) 220-6400
Fax: (202) 228-0514 / (206) 220-6404
Email: http://cantwell.senate.gov/contact/
Kent Conrad
Phone: (202) 224-2043 / (701) 258-4648
Fax: (202) 224-7776 / (701) 258-1254
Email: http://conrad.senate.gov/webform.html
Blanche Lincoln
Phone: (202) 224-4843 / (501) 375-2993
Fax: (202) 228-1371 / (501) 375-7064
Email: http://lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
Mark Pryor
Phone: (202) 224-2353 / (501) 324-6336
Fax: (202) 228-0908 / (501) 324-5320
Email: http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
Frank Lautenberg
Phone: (202) 224-3224 / (973)-639-8700 / (856) 338-8922
Fax: (202) 228-4054 / (973) 639-8723 / Fax: (856) 338-8936
Email: http://lautenberg.senate.gov/webform.html?Email=Email+Senator+Lautenberg+Your+Comments+on+an+Issue
Bob Menendez
Phone: (202) 224-4744
Fax: (202) 228-2197
Email: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/mail/?id=395&type=CO&state=NJ
Jay Rockefeller
Phone: (202) 224-6472 / (304) 347-5372
Fax: (202) 224-7665 / (304) 347-5371
Email: senator@rockefeller.senate.gov
And Sympathetic Republicans:
Lincoln Chafee
Phone: (202) 224-2921 / (401) 453-5294
Fax: (202) 228-2853 / (401) 453-5085
Email: http://chafee.senate.gov/webform_original.htm
Susan Collins
Phone: (202) 224-2523 / (207) 945-0417
Fax: (202) 224-2693 / (207) 990-4604
Email: http://collins.senate.gov/public/continue.cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorCollins.Email&CFID=48722893&CFTOKEN=55709294
Olympia Snowe
Phone: (202) 224-5344 / (207) 874-
Fax: (202) 224-1946 / (207) 874-7631
Email: http://snowe.senate.gov/Webform.htm
Just for reference
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out because
I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me but
here was no one left to speak out for me.
We could probably modernize this a bit
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist. ( McCarthy)
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. ( RayGun)
Then they came for the manufacturing worker
but I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a manufacturing worker ( NAFTA, WTO , CAFTA)
Then they came for the non patriotic
and I didn’t speak out because I loved my country ( the last five years)
Then they came for the poor and infirm but
I did not speak out because I wasn’t poor or infirm ( this years budget cuts, Katrina)
Then they came for the old but I did not speak out because I wasn’t old ( cuts in medicare, the medicare drug benefit program)
Then they came for my right to privacy
But I did not speak out because I wasn’t
doing anything wrong ( eavesdropping without
Then they came for the people using peaceful descent
and I did not speak out because I was now afraid to speak out ( patriot act II)
Then one day I was taking my son to his soccer game and
pulled in behind a tank in the left hand turn lane then I realized that they had came for me but
here was no one left to speak out for me
I guess the Augustine Volcano had another eruption.
Check the Cam in an hour and fifteen minutes.
Senator Ron Wyden
Washington, 202-224-5244 (phone), 202-228-2717 (fax)
La Grande, 541-962-7691 (phone)
Eugene, 541-431-0229 (phone)
Salem, 503-589-4555 (phone)
Medford, 541-858-5122 (phone)
Bend, 541-330-9142 (phone)
Portland, 503-326-7525 (phone)
Senator Gordon Smith
Washington, 202-224-3753 (phone), 202-228-3997 (fax)
Eugene, 541-465-6750 (phone), 541-465-6808 (fax)
Bend, 541-318-1298 (phone), 541-318-1396 (fax)
Medford, 541-608-9102 (phone), 541-608-9104 (fax)
Pendleton, 541-278-1129 (phone), 541-278-4109 (fax)
Portland, 503-326-3386 (phone), 503-326-2900 (fax)
Melt these two bastards’s telephone wires. Smith, in particular, needs to hear from you.
I posted a page of Media Contacts (over there, under “Pages”), in case anybody wants to contact the traditional media whores.
Impeach or Indict Bush and Cheney
By Ronnie Dugger
The Texas Observer
Friday 27 January 2006
The year 2006 will be historic for the nation, and probably for humanity. Texans Bush and Rove and their conspirators in the second Bush presidency have disgraced American democracy at home and in the world with debasements of our nation and our values that have now entered their climactic phase. What part will the rest of us Texans play in this decisive year?
As I have written in a review-essay that appears in the tenth-anniversary spring issue of Yes!, the quarterly of new solutions published in Washington state by David and Frances Korten (YesMagazine.org), we are living and working in the very days and nights of the American Emergency, the climactic American Crisis. Our elections are bought, and our government is run by and for the major transnational corporations. Bush announced in 2002 his illegal presidential policy that the United States can and will attack other nations first, waging war on them, when he so decides. He is now waging, as if he were doing it in our names, a bloody war of aggression against Iraq, which on the face of it is a crime against humanity under the Nuremberg principles that we and our allies established and enforced with hangings after World War II. The President, the Vice-President, and their factors sold this war to Congress with twistings and lies that were crafted to infuriate and terrorize us about Iraq’s alleged connections to al Qaeda and mass-murder endangerments to us from Iraq itself, all of which literally did not exist. In polls now six of 10 Americans do not believe the president is honest. Yet he has three more years of dictatorial control over our nuclear and other arms and our Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps and seems now to be maneuvering to use that control to wage another aggressive war on Iran, with literally incalculable consequences.
We Texans are a major source of this deterioration into crisis. The leading Democrats of the state so dishonored the liberal traditions of their party that in the resulting political vacuum, Bush was elected Governor here, and from Austin he mounted the campaign that a 5-4 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court illegally decreed made him President. After that, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, from Sugar Land, crafted his scheme to use corporate money to widen the Republicans’ majority in the Texas delegation to Washington, D.C., battening down right-wing GOP control of the House and the Congress. The third President from Texas and his Republican Congress then waged aggressive war on Iraq, drove the nation into insolvency to further enrich the already rich, and just for good measure tore up the Constitution. . .
Nicki, Wyden has come out in support of a filibuster.
If You Don’t Have Power, Don’t Lie
Small Fry
The media filleting of alchemist James Frey, author of the faked memoir A Million Little Pieces, assures us that truth matters in America.
How dare Frey pull on our heart strings with his million little lies! How dare he exaggerate and fabricate! How dare he misrepresent the painful events of his life and our times to get our vote, our approval, our backing! How dare he sell us lead for gold, put the Sale before the Truth.
Power is the only real difference between former-addicts-not-quite-well Frey and Bush. We can’t get lying Power in the hot seat, so we’ll take lying Everyman.
Bush and members of his regime lie to sell their story whenever and however required. Lying for them is first nature.
Lies stand in relief against a backdrop of truth. That’s how we typically recognize a lie when we see it. When the backdrop is falsehood, lies blend in.
Bush regime loyalists lie both by omission and commission so often and with such little consequence that it’s hard to see them–to know them–as liars. . . http://www.counterpunch.org
A spokeswoman for Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said Friday that Wyden would support the filibuster. Wyden said last week he will oppose Alito.
isi YEA:!: :banana: re Sen. Ron C, D-Ore, but I think I will call anyway cuz I trust nothing and no one :paranoid: :yinyang: :banana:
I am obsessive comulsive a bit (in wrong, weird ways) :billcat: :paranoid:
…and do have an opinion as to WHAT/WHO TRULY IS :mrgreen:. Is it The Green Man and/or does it mean EVIRONMENTALISM or :?::?::?: (Just cuz it is not important :jerk: :grin:) BUT YEA RE Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore ….:fire:
pjsauter, Isi, NickiRose, fred (& WOW re #51 poem), and travisdem_04 thx for wonderful posts. You make looking and knowing SOOOOO much easier. …:fire:
Melt Gordon Smith’s lines.
Maria Cantwell, too.
Abraham Lincoln
Cooper Union Address
New York, New York
Feb 27, 1860
“Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves. LET US HAVE FAITH THAT RIGHT MAKES MIGHT, AND IN THAT FAITH, LET US, TO THE END, DARE TO DO OUR DUTY AS WE UNDERSTAND IT.”
-via Armando
Nice little article about Malloy over at DU.
The listeners to other progressive talk stations must be a bit more sophisticated than those in the Denver marker. I have listened to KTLK and KLSD this morning and they both have live local broadcasts.:omg: KKZN in Denver has vitamin infomercials…:mad:
When AAR first came on the air and up until the 2004 election I enjoyed the Bush banging and the right wing lie exposing but since 2004 I have wondered about the people who call in. I am seeing that a whole lot of them don’t take whats going on with the correct degree of concern or they take the intellectual approach and try to talk and research the subject to death. There are a lot of books out there about Bushco and their improprieties, Global warming, Peak Oil, and on and on. Everyone seems to think… well we must wait until the next election and we will, maybe , perhaps solve the whole, well part of , maybe a little bit of the problem or that the people will wake up when every one is starving in the streets and then they will rise up. It’s like the person talking isn’t going to be one of those people. No revolution in history had the people rise up in mass in the beginning. Someone had to get it started. Our M$M is for sure not going to get it started, I’m not convinced that Americans will even recognize it when it happens…well .. I suppose they will if the super bowl gets suspended..:fustrate::paranoid:
Debbie Stabenow (D) Michigan (and wife of AAR EX VP)
Paul Sarbanes (D) Maryland
Both Senators will VOTE FOR FILIBUSTER
Buzzfklash is so pissed off they can’t see straight.
Part of the problem with these local talk shows is that the Talk hosts seem to be “realists” which in this case translates as “surrender monkeys”
If the Americans were really in danger from the rethugs one would think the talk hosts should be referring to them as “game” . Our new voting machines are sitting on there buts in the closet. ( I doubt that many liberals keep them in the back window of their pickup trucks)
In Interview, Bush Calls Sen. Hillary Clinton ‘Formidable,’ Sees No Natural GOP Successor
WASHINGTON – President Bush said Friday that Sen. Hillary Clinton, a potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, is “formidable,” but he declined to speculate on which Republicans might run for the White House in 2008.
Generally when the rethugs say things like this it’s a set up… be afraid very afraid.
Link for Youg Turks, Hartman is on live.. he would appear to be audio only,..
The Young Turks web site http://www.youngturk.com/
appears to be down or overloaded.
Just found this nice quote from Senator Boxer in todays San Francisco Chronicle:
“There is only one way to send this nominee back to the president and get a mainstream justice, and that is to get 41 votes for a filibuster,” Boxer said. “Clearly it’s an uphill battle, but if colleagues on both sides of the aisle realize liberty and justice are on the line, we have a chance for a nominee in the mold of Sandra Day O’Connor.”
Just have four more democratic senators to email today. Hoorah!
❗ Senator Kennedy just had a conference call with bloggers. Read the account by mcjoan at http://www.dailykos.com
Hey, PJ, do you think you could get on the blogger list that gets the next call from Senator Kennedy? :banana:
FYI – one last 100 email shot across the bow!
Dear Senator [democrat] ,
Hyperbole and politics go together like milk and cookies. But in this case, the hyperbole may well be justified. We have an administration that actively flouts the Congress and the Courts, and holds itself as sole interpreter of the law. Even Republicans are considering hearings in to NSA monitoring of domestic communications. Giving this Administration an Associate Justice who agrees that the executive branch is supreme seems outright foolish. Therefore, those of us who care deeply about our nation are counting on Democrats to risk the potentially difficult political consequences and take strong measures to oppose Judge Alito. In short, you must stand on principle and support the filibuster.
Dear Senator [republican],
I am writing this short note to encourage you to vote against Samuel Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States. Yes, it will embarrass the President, create a media circus, and cause you some problems with some our fellow Republicans. But if you are even slightly conservative, you must vote no. Your oath of office was not to this President, this Party, or even this Government. It was to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Samual Alito is an adherent to the ahistorical concept of the “unitary executive”. This theory runs counter to the widely agreed upon foundation of our government that the Congress passes laws, the Executive implements the laws, and the Courts interprets these laws in the light of our constitution. It goes much further, directly challenging the constitutional precept that powers not enumerated are not granted to the executive. While that may sound great with a Republican in office, consider this: if Hillary Clinton were President, as she might be in three years, would you vote for a nominee who held these views?
I didn’t think so. Vote No.
The Young Turks Filibuster will have various talk hosts this week end. ( including the Young Turks)
Peter Werbe is now on
Brad Freedman will follow him
This a windows media video stream with no video since they apparently exceeded the capacity of their server.
It would be nice if Marc and Jim could do a stint on the on-air filibuster!
How hot are Lincoln Chaffee’s lines?:mad:
so i am at a marriott resort with five golf courses so i figured i would see what it would cost me to play a round of golf so uh it would cost me 225$ before club rental so im not golfing tomorrow
Hi everyone….I just was blogging for so long that I needed a break and so I went shopping on Cafe Press and got myself a fucktard pinThis stuff is great.I can across it when I was looking for the LIAR pin that I wear from Betty Bowers so I could link to it in my little bloggy….
Anyway, hard to get through to anyonn this weekend but Im thinking that even if this fight is lost it is such a good thing that people are waking up and calling and writing! Its showing them that we are not gonna lay down…and when people see that the reason this is happening is that we let them get the majority…well, I have a feeling that alot more people will be voting and involved this time round.
So, even though it is a tragedy if Ass-lito gets on the court, we are going through the motions and preparing for what is necessary to come. Its going to take alot of time to get this country back together…maybe a generation or more, now that we have to wait for the freakin supreme court to die!!…and to be sure to keep liberals in power so that as they die we wont risk any more A-lie-tos….
Oh well…
My son has some bad conjunctivitis type thing and Ive got a chest cold and the beginnings of some conjunctivitis type thing…so we got out of all the family stuff that was weighing heavily on me this weekend…but we are the walking wounded. At least I can get him in to the pediatrician first thing in the morning tomorrow.
They wouldnt give me drops over the phone. Pediatricians always give drops…but mine wouldnt…
So its off to bed with the Times and a movie…yay!!
Oh, and I listened to the replay saved stream of Majority report this morning…for the first time I heard the muzak that they play …OH MY GOD!! Who chose that? It makes me crazy! Is there anything more annoying than that muzak?
Why wouldnt they put anything…alvin and the chipmunks would be better…the barking dog chorus doing christmas hits would be better (though would cause a commotion here!)…There should be something…
THis is like, the final slap of DG…like, its HIS muzak…Is NO ONE HOME in management at AAR?
They could have Little Goliath tape some public service announcements…
They coudl give the time to liberal causes that are always trying to rasie money for ads….?
It is really bad!I think that its their way of making you pay for podcasts…no muzak in podcasts!! its almost worth it.
I have to figure how to set this Replay thing to take out the commercials…it says it does that, I think.
I was never so happy to hear a comercial as when they finally had one. I wouldve even been happy with the XM teeth grinding one by that point!
Heh heh…maybe not…that one is really bad!
I was never so happy to hear a commercial as when they finally had one. I wouldve even been happy with the XM teeth grinding one by that point!
Heh heh…maybe not…that one is really bad!
Comment by Melina — January 28, 2006 @ 7:59 pm
Methaz, those notes are terrific. Thanks! 😀
To the best of my knowledge, Bill Nelson is still not in favor of a filibuster. He needs to hear from more of us. My other senator, Mel Martinez, is a Bush hand puppet and a lost cause.
I’m e-mailing others as well. How is it that Maria Cantwell is still holding out? Come to the light, Maria. :love:
How much would it piss off Bush to go into his speech Tuesday night without Alito’s confirmation? It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about it.
Time for some :40:
If you find an automatic commercial remover, let me know. All I can think of is to go in and chopout the commercials. There are hard breaks at the top and bottom of the hour, so you could find them pretty easily, but the soft breaks you’d have to look for a little bit. Their commerical breaks are 4 minutes long (and then there’s the news, too).
If you use the Replay Player that comes with it (seems to be Windows Media Player with their own skin on it), there are keyboard shortcuts.
P = Play/Pause
S = Stop
O = Open
– – Previous Track
+ = Next Track
1 = Advance 30 seconds
2 = Advance 60 seconds
3 = Advance 120 seconds
0 = Go back 15 seconds
Q = quit
U = Volume up
D = Volume Down
R = Regular speed
F = Faster speed
X = Fastest speed
So, since the AAR commercials are 4 minutes, hit the 3 twice, and you’re good to go. Doesn’t help on your mp3 player (just have to fast skip 4 minutes), but it’s good for PC listening.
Gee, I don’t know. I’ll try and figure out how to ask, but I don’t know that we’re “important” enough.
I did notice that Kos gets $1,500 for a week’s worth of ad spots on his blog (well, the blog ad agency takes 30% off the top, but still, that’s not bad). Of course, that’s for 6 ads, and they claim over 4 million page views a week (and I know he’s got to be paying a ton for bandwidth, and has invested a lot of cash in servers, so I don’t think he’s getting rich off his blog).
We get about 60,000 in a week, which isn’t bad.
Oh well, I wouldn’t wanna clutter the place up with ads, anyway.
No ads! We need more smileys!
I almost always have to wait until night time to visit the blog, because of my precocious little three year old. today, I tried to make a quick visit, and, as usual, anthony started staring at the smileys. of course, he asked, again, why :banana:the banana was dancing and why was the :fustrate:banging his head and “eating the bricks.” I was just starting to smile about that when he pointed to :jerk:, and asked, “what’s he doing mamma?” when I didn’t respond quickly enough, he asked again.
“um…… he’s uh hitting something.”
and I quickly logged off. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
do I have a cute child or what? :love:
Hey!Freeway Blogger is gonna be on Young Turks in a minute!:omg:
I just got this email. it’s great, because it has a valuable link to democrats.com, which keeps a running taly of senators’ positions, and makes strategic recommendations about whom to contact.
Let’s Make History!
Keep The Heat On – Keep calling the Senators who are undecided or opposed to a filibuster. You can call their DC office today and leave
voicemails urging the Senators to support Kerry’s filibuster. When offices open on Monday 9 a.m. ET, make another round of calls. Let’s
shut down the Capitol switchboard on Monday!
Dems.Com has taken the lead on organizing a scorecard on where we stand…please visit the site and send this link to your friends this
Oh man, I want Marc’s new show to have a web cam in the studio! Then we could see the show that goes on during the breaks! That would be so COOL!:peace:
So, I’m not even bothering with the DC phone numbers because I know the mailboxes are full. So I have been calling their local numbers and many times I find full mailboxes there too! YAY! We will soon make the M$M powerless and impotent!:growl:
Mark Crispin Miller is about to be on Young turks!:eek:
Homey from the Ed Schultz Show just called into Young Turks. That was kinda cool.
Maybe Marc should call into the Young Turks show. I wanna hear him on this.
People fear–and rightly so–that the “conservative revolution” started by Reagan and improved by Bush will eventually lead this country into fascism. While this is a distinct possibility, I see some important differences between the German Nazis and Bush’s neocons. These differences can help us avoid becoming fascist.
Free Speech: Huge difference between the two.
Economics: Big difference here. Hitler utilized keynseian economics to bring the German economy out of the depression, while Bush ensures that only the super wealthy benefits from government boosting of the economy.
The Nazis were, initially, able to bring much of the working classes on board because of the healthy economy, which improved their situation. Bush and his gang will have none of this. Like the Nazis, Bush uses racist strategies to get the working classes to support him; but unlike the Nazis, his economics will not benefit them. (Of course, our awful racism–and all of the other vile isms– are not [yet!] nearly as lethal as that of the Nazis.)
There is still hope. I’ve heard it said that America is an organizer’s dream. The Republican’s current coalition will collapse when organizers can formulate an effective alternative to the “vote against your economic best interests in order to keep gays from marrying” claptrap.
I was just starting to smile about that when he pointed to :jerk:, and asked, “what’s he doing mamma?” when I didn’t respond quickly enough, he asked again.
“hitting something” funny stuff funny stuff definitely cute kid i need a kid
sweet the marriott has faux news just like the truckstops!!!!!
:paranoid:when i got to my hotel room the door was already open i thought “they” finally caught up with me scary scary i had to do a full search of my room i wonder where they put the camera?????:paranoid:
HEY!!!!! im not a top poster anymore that makes me sad well i guess ill have to write a lot of nothing posts so i can catch back up
blah blah blah blah blah blah damn newspapers the ny daily news was calling hillary a fascist when they used the word rebel jerks
n. reb·el (rbl)
One who rebels or is in rebellion: “He is the perfect recruit for fascist movements: a rebel not a revolutionary, contemptuous yet envious of the rich and involved with them” (Stanley Hoffman).
Rebel A Confederate soldier.
anyway im gonna go waste some more money on the mini-bar damn mini-bar 3.50$ for a 12oz can of pepsi 😡
so it says there are two users online who are you other user?
:rofl2:lol 2live crew is awesome
Just me…shakin’ it over here, boss….
ok well im gonna try a link again i think they normally work but uh im not sure so here
fascism’s a bitch ok well let me know if it works
hmmmm its working yay normally i end up making my whole friggin entry a link anyway
Hey, sean, glad to hear you have some nice digs (is that an old fashioned word) in Miami. Faux News follows you wherever you go :paranoid: We need Travis’ music clip again from the Twilight Zone.
whats a digs? you old people are confusing i dont know what youre talking about half the time
digs – temporary living quarters
Ex. Hey, cool man, I like your digs (pad).
I don’t know how to copy a picture to the blog but check out the picture of Jack Abramoff with Bush’s head coming out of his coat pocket at http://www.dailykos.com